[MoE] - An tAire Oideachais agus Scileanna

Day 3,077, 04:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by University of Ireland

April 23, 2016

Hello eIreland,

A couple of days ago, our newly elected president, Sluagh, has seen fit to re-introduce an Irish Ministry of Education and Skills.

This ministry will be tasked with keeping you informed, and with bringing you tutorials and articles that will broaden your horizons and help you play smart. Moreover, it will aspire to actively reach out to new players and walk them through the basics of their e-lives, so they can have fun, enrich and empower our society.


This term, I received the honor of serving as MoE

Kevin Sheridan

I'm a newcomer to eIreland and I hope to quickly adjust to this wonderful community. From the little I learned already, education has a long and rich tradition here and I intend to build upon past achievements. Feel free to PM me with advice, comments and ofc, with desires to join the effort.

Goals for the current term

Guides - I intend to publish at least one helpful guide each week, fusing old and new material. Guides will focus on the military and economic modules.

University of Ireland - This program will seek out new players, making their first steps in eIreland and the new world. They will be offered guidance and support to increase the chances of them "surviving" in this game and actually having some fun. More details to follow...

Stay tuned for more!