[MoDA] Opinion Poll 8 - Results

Day 1,017, 16:30 Published in Austria Austria by BundesPresseDienst
Opinion Poll 8 - August 31 - September 1 2010

Thank you all for taking part in the latest opinion poll of Austria. 28 people took part this time. The results of this poll - which was taken between August 31st and September 1st - are posted below for your viewing pleasure!

Official Results*

Do you support the government's handling of the Italian invasion?

Yes: 18 votes (64😵
No: 8 votes (29😵
Undecided: 2 votes (7😵

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Should a Monarchy be implemented in Austria?

Yes: 13 votes (46😵
No: 14 votes (50😵
Undecided: 1 votes (4😵

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What is your biggest concern for the coming month?

Economy: 12 votes (43😵
War: 6 votes (21😵
Foreign Policy: 1 votes (4😵
Bipartisanship: 0 votes (0😵
Government Reform: 7 votes (25😵
Other: 3 votes (7😵

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Who do you support for President in September 2010?

samu-L: 14 votes (50😵
Kikericsy: 6 votes (21😵
NIKAN: 3 votes (11😵
Kaiser Alex: 2 votes (7😵
Dietmar#1: 0 votes (0😵
Undecided: 3 votes (11😵
None: 0 votes (0😵

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Which Party do you support?

Allianz Starkes Oesterreich (ASO): 5 votes (18😵
Kronloyale Union (KU): 5 votes (18😵
Adeptus Astartes (AA): 2 votes (7😵
Sozialistische Partei (SP): 2 votes (7😵
Osterreich Independence Party (OIP): 7 votes (25😵
Democratic Party of Austria (DPA): 1 votes (4😵
Die Aristokratie (DA): 4 votes (14😵
None: 2 votes (7😵

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With Austria heating up and again facing war, a solid majority (64😵 support the government's handling of the situation. In particular, the OIP, AA, SP, and KU voters gave the war effort near unanimous (93😵 approval. The handling received mixed numbers from non-affiliated and ASO voters (50% approval), while the DPA and DA gave the handling overwhelmingly low marks (0% approval).

On the issue of monarchy, it was more divisive and similarly polarized. While Austria as a whole was mostly evenly split, party divisions were telling. The ASO and DA gave the proposal high marks of approval (83😵, while the KU and non-affiliateds came down in a middle ground with 57% approval. On the opposite side, only 20% of the AA, OIP, DPA, and SP gave approval.

While the presidential election results indicate a generally strong level of support for samu-L, breaking the numbers down by party show that it is likely much closer. samu-L recieved 100% of the ASO vote, while Kikeriscy similarly carried 100% of the AA who answered the poll. Out of all other parties (and non-affiliateds), samu-L recieves 45% while Kikeriscy recieves 20%. However, not only is the AA under-represented, but with the dropout of several candidates listed who received votes and the recent increase in political debate since the poll began, the election is very much up in the air. And while the results of these various polls are interesting from a curiosity standpoint, the low sample size should mean all of the results are taken with a grain of salt.

Rangeley, Minister of Foreign Affairs
stoneman, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

* The results reflect upon the total statistics of the poll not any individual comments and votes. All individual votes will be kept confidential unless requested otherwise. Thank you for voting in the latest opinion poll