[MoD] Rozkazy/Battle Orders (Day 2,945 00:20)

Day 2,945, 00:21 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Czech Ministry of Defense

Vážení eČestí bojovníci!
Dear eCzech fighters!
I will spoke to you in satanic language, English.
It seems like our TW with Thailand will be canceled. Will this horde of barbaric satan worship shemales will be back, we shall see.

We are still searching for opponent who will not brutally gangbang us for Trainig War because we don't deserve to be brutally gangbanged!. We are small, poor and NOT sexy community so please don't rape us.

On the day 2944 there is no allies battles on 23:23 eTime so if i don't pass out because i'm so high i will update this into decent orders.
Oh, there is Slovenia as usual at 00:08!

Fight for Slovenia vs Austria:

Instead orders who, i humbly guess no body reads i will present to you next.
BEDŘICH SMETANA, one of my favorite composers and bandmaster.
He escaped from his mother successfully 2 March, 1824. He was very gifted and talented so at age six he had 1st public presentation as pianist. There is so much to read on the web about him so don't waste your time watching cut kitties and dogs. Try to learn something about him.

His Die Moldau is pure masterpiece!. In comment section you will find all you need.

Also, for this incredible masterpiece and this was 1st Czech opera. Also, he is awarded for it with applause.