[MoD] Day 2,552 - Saskatchewan

Day 2,550, 02:16 Published in Japan Japan by Battleship Force

The battles for our regions against the USA have ended, and I want to thank everyone who fought for Japan, and for this awesome performance like finishing the battle of Hokkaido with 50 points! There were some really close and amazing rounds, which was have been won.

Again, thanks for everyone who fought for Japan! o7

[url=hhttp://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield-new/57352]Fight for Canada in Saskatchewan[/url]

I wanted to ask all people who can afford to help us, to send some amount of currency, gold or Q7 weapons to MoD and then it will be transfered to organisation to be used for upcoming battles

Or you can buy the WRM offers of Battleship Force org here.

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MoD Team:
MoD JetiShumadinac
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