[MoD-ALB] [UPDATED: 22:58] - eDay 2366

Day 2,366, 06:34 Published in Albania Bulgaria by WafreyBG

This will be the official newspaper of the Albania Minestry of Defence. You can subscribe for the newspaper by going at the top right of this page, and check your newspaper subscription box on your homepage to be informed. Vote for this article and shout it to get on the top, because more players will see it.

Prio 1: We fight for Albania on Homelskaya

Prio 2: We fight for Ukraine on Volhynia

Fight smart

Damage done in a battle that doesn need it's damage thrown away. If it's not needed there, fighting there only for serves to waste damage. Try to fight in one of our priority battles which has the damage under 53%.

Orders are updated here, and on the MoD channel on Rizon IRC

Just check the channel topic in #eshqiperia to see what are our orders.

MoD of Albania: Psycho RKS
v.MoD of eAlbania: WafreyBG