[LT] Franklin Stone Talks

Day 2,849, 14:55 Published in USA USA by Lunete2.0

A non Presidential interview? *GASP*, truly we are descended into chaos this day. Well, we had to change it up a little somewhere, I 'm not in the mood to write long pieces, so I thought I'd talk to one of my friends!

I hope you find this interesting, Franklin is an interesting person to talk to 🙂

You seem to have an interesting history with eRepublik, do you have any favourite memories or moments you’d like to share?

First I want preface these remarks with the understanding that these are MY points of view and not necessarily the view of the SFP and it's Leadership.

Yes, I have been playing this game since 2009 when I started as Cold Hearted Snake, was banned for cheating and became Dru Blood being a block headed German I was once again banned for inviting my wife to play on the same IP address and supplying her with gold, food and weapons. So I became Drew Blood and after a back and forth with Admin created Morgan LaFaye for my wife; once again because I sent her 5 Q7 tanks I was banned -C'est la vie, mon chéri.... My fondest memory however has to be the first time Emerick called me an 'Enemy of the State' because I refused to call them 'Senators', he was a worthy opponent and Troll Extraordinary; I would give almost anything to see those days again.  

So I became FranklinStone, a name play on Eugene Harlot who believed in audacity and used Sgt Rock -Frank Rock to his mother- as his Avatar; hence Franklin Stone. Eugene Harlot and Gaius Julius were active military and political leaders back in America's days of westward expansion (War of the Three Pillars), back when America threatened Serbia through the backdoor to Europe. Back when citizens like Lieutenant Scheisskopf reported War News, when the media dominated eRepublik and when politics were actually somewhat Democratic; when Wars meant something more than 'pushing the wall' and Citizen Soldiers actually cared about who they fought for rather than seeking Mercenary Combat Orders (CO).

You’ve been a steadfast member of the SFP as long as I’ve been here, and before too, why did you choose to continue supporting them?

I have been a member of many parties, some of them long dead and gone; I even started the America First Party that had exactly one member and within days was PTOed by it's second member and his 'Collective' -I was even a member of the Canadians In America Party. I have been a member of every Top 5 party with the exception of the Federalist Party and the United States Workers Party, the former I almost joined awhile back; the latter I have never considered simply for its Totalitarian sounding name and its Party Fuhrer. I ended up in the Socialist Freedom Party for several reasons, they are the most active party in America and are willing to listen to Tin Hat Ideas; they believe hard work will over come all. The biggest reason I joined is their belief in Community Building, they have created a Forum Community that is open and welcoming to all eRepublik Citizens; not an oppressive community of 'Collective Totalitarianism' that favors one 'Collective' of citizens over everyone else in America.

How do you think the game/community needs to change to encourage a better, more open and accepting community for new and returning players?

The game 'mechanics' are what they are, it is and would be hard to convince Admin to change them; the 'eRepublik Rising' fiasco is the one time Admin let the citizens actually affect game mechanics and the roll back to what we have now was a total failure in judgment on Admins part. Also, for the last couple of years or more all America has heard from the 'Collective' is how lame and dead eRepublik is; they even have threads on the 'eUSA Forum' on when it will go down for good. We have been told the the Political Module and Media Module are dead, pretty sure that the SFP has proven both those to be ignorant statements. The 'Collective' continues to say that eRepublik is nothing but a War Game and collect Taxes to support themselves in War, I am pretty sure that the SFP has proven that to also be a false statement.

America must create a open and completely transparent government, a 'Socialist' government that voluntarily arms, feeds and houses its Citizen Soldiers who stand ready to fight for their Homeland. America needs to stop paying for damage and start earning the damage its citizen own, it is time the American Government learns to be loyal to its citizens if it expects loyalty from them. To attract new citizens or to get old citizens to return to this brave new world America must first get rid of the toxic 'Collective' of selfish citizens whose only concern is their own aggrandizement and enrichment, get rid of a 'meta government' who claims programs that for years were and in some cases still are privately funded. America must get rid of the acidic 'Collective' that for 2+ years has made it there prime directive to drive citizens away from our shores and in some cases away from the game entirely.

In your opinion do you think the past month’s controversies would have been handled differently if your party had been more directly involved with the decision making?

There are so many controversies currently over Taxes and Public Congressional Processes that I will assume you mean the Air Strike against Paraguay. Would the SFP have handled it differently, yes. The SFP was against the AS into Paraguay and the war against Chile, I believe the SFP would have sought a Diplomatic Friendship with Chile and the whole of South America. I believe the future of America lay in a Westward movement to free the Pacific Rim of Dictators, I believe the SFP would also seek a diplomatic solution to that problem; but I also know that the Bear Cavalry stands ready to fight for freedom anywhere in the world.

I hear you like football, what team are you shouting for at the moment?

Yes, I love football. Mostly I have been a college football fan, GO SOONERS! I have been at various time a Dallas Cowboy or Pittsburgh Steelers fan, depending on the Couch. I grew up and lived most my life in Oklahoma, but recently moved to New York to be nearer my Daughters who both married Yankees -birth and fans, damn 'em- and so I have become a Buffalo Bills fan; I owe it to them since Thurman Thomas let them down in a couple of Super Bowls. GO BILLS!

Thank you Franklin Stone for talking to me