(Letter) Goodbye SFP and yellow Feds

Day 4,769, 06:48 Published in USA USA by Josh Whitehead

Join my Discord Server “Silverbeard’s poop deck”

I'm not proud but boy am i horny!

Hello reader,

I hope you find this article pleasant. Or sad. Or neither. You pretty much wonder what the nutter butter I am about to mumble today.

It is with great sadness to inform my readers, my family, my co-Workers, my mom and wife and lastly my fellow SFP family; I am leaving the SFP. Better known as Socialist Freedom Party.

I left on my own accord. I left not for personal reasons but this pirate man last left and went wee wee wee all the way back to the FEDS, or better known as Federalist Party.

Again, I want to personally thank the SFP for everything they have done for me and I hope I did the same thing for them.

However, I am a man with a plan. I have unfinished business to do. I have unfinished dreams to accomplish, I have unfinished work to grind hard on.

Today, I am now back to a proud and horny member of the Feds. It’s not my first rodeo.

Many moons ago I was a young fed who yonder away from USWP and the feds welcomed me with open arms. Just like SFP did.

Yet, here we are again. I don't want to annoy you folks too much with a long article explaining XYZ but just simply wanted to express my love for both sfp and feds again. I still won’t emerge from 2-clicking just yet but I will continue to be an active powerhouse within Feds, politics and whatever else eRep has.

So, with that being said. I’ll shut up and I'll start working to help Feds grow upwards and onwards.
