[INTERVIEW] !purebg- Serbian CP VS. teknik562 - Turkish CP! [DVOUGAO] (SRB/ENG)

Day 1,455, 12:39 Published in Serbia Serbia by serbiankid

[SRB version]

Pozdrav svim čitaocima,

DVOUGAO je paralelni intervju u kome sva sagovornika odgovaraju na ista pitanja. Cilj DVOUGLA je da sagovornici sažeto i jasno iskažu svoje stavove o različitim temama!

U šestom broju sagovornici DVOUGLA su: purebg - predsednik eSrbije i teknik562 - predsednik eTurske. Biće im postavljeno ukupno 12 pitanja. Pa da počnemo!

1. Na šta ste ponosni u eRepu?
PUREBG: Ponosan sam na 899 dana provedenih ovde, sa ovim divnim, i onim manje divnim ljudima.
TEKNIK: Ponosan sam na RL prijatelje koje sam stekao kako u Turskoj, tako i van nje. Imam veoma dobre prijatelje u 50 turskih gradova ali i u mnogim gradovima van Turske. Takođe, imam i prijatelje sa Balkana koje bih voleo da posetim uskoro.

2. Zbog čega se kajete?
PUREBG: Nemam nekih posebnih razloga za kajanje.
TEKNIK: Najviše mi je žao jer sam bio neaktivan posle velikog turskog babyboom-a. Tada je i veliki broj starijih turskih igrača bio neaktivan. To je izazvalo nestabilnost u eTurskoj jer su novi, neiskusni igrači želeli da upravljaju celom državom. Nisu znali celu istoriju odnosa sa našim bliskim saveznicima. Stariji igrači i ja smo trebali biti tamo da sprečimo gubljenje više od 5 hiljada igrača i gubljenje poverenja naših najstarijih saveznika.

3. Ocenite od 1 do 10 kvalitet života prosećnog građanina vaše zemlje!
TEKNIK: Za sada 7, ali ću pokušati da do kraja mandata dođem do ocene 9, minimum. 🙂

4. Koji će biti vaši prioriteti kao predsednika?
PUREBG: Prioriteti ove vlade i moji prioriteti su diplomatija i zadržavanje što većeg broja novih igrača.
TEKNIK: Trudiću se da popravim odnose sa našim starim saveznicima. Radiću na diplomatiji. Pridružiću se savezu ili ću se potruditi da napravim novi sa prijateljskim zemljama. Za vreme mog mandata, eTurska će biti najodanija zemlja, kao sto je bila ranije.

5. Kako vidite eSrbiju kroz mesec dana?
PUREBG: Na mestu koje joj pripada (top of d vrld).
TEKNIK: Vidim eSrbiju u Albaniji, Hrvatskoj, Bosni, Italiji, Francuskoj, Americi, Meksiku... uh, ne mogu da nabrajam vise 😛

6. Kako vidite eTursku kroz mesec dana?
PUREBG: Na mestu na kojem eTurska misli da joj pripada.
TEKNIK: Vidim turske zastave na zgradama u Bukurestu! 😃

7. kakvi su po vašem mišljenju odnosi između eSrbije i eTurske?
PUREBG: Odnosi Srbije i Turske su žestoko poljuljani glasanjem za nezavisnost Kosova i Metohije. Nakon toga došlo he do uzajamnog trolovanja i flejmovanja, koji su otvarali nove rane i nove frontove. Umešali su se RL razlozi, a RL razlozi uvek uzburkaju mnoge duhove.
TEKNIK: Postoji mnogo stvari u odnosima između Srbije i Turske. Sve razloge ne mogu da nabrojim ovde jer smo saveznici još od beta verzije ove igre. Stariji igrači znaju šta je saveznik značio u beti i V1 modulu. Noviji igrači ne mogu zamisliti to 🙂

8. Mnogo eSrba poziva na prekid saradnje sa eTurskom. Šta je glavni razlog takvog ponašanja?
PUREBG: Povod je njihovih 83% glasova za nezavisnost Kosova, ali činjenica je da je određenom broju igrača uvek bilo čudno što smo u savezu sa Turskom. Ti igrači su sada iskoristili ovaj povod da učine sve kako bi se naši odnosi pokvarili. Iako čine manjinu, izbacivanjem trolovskih članaka provociraju drugu stranu koja im ni malo ne ostaje dužna. Svaki trolovski članak dobija odgovor sa druge strane, nakon koga se strasti još više uzburkaju. Apsolutno ista situacija je i u Turskoj.
TEKNIK: Mislim da su mnogi eSrbi ljuti zbog rezultata glasanja o Kosovu. Turski procenta glasova za nezavisno Kosovo je mnogo veći nego kod ostalih srpskih saveznika. To ih je naljutilo ali bi oni trebalo da vide da države ne mogu da kontrolišu svoje igrače. Takođe, postoji i mnogo RL razloga. Srbi moraju da vide da Turci poštuju rat sa Bosnom i bore se za Srbiju uvek, jer smo mi više od saveznika! Zato turski igrači žele da vide malo razumevanja zbog glasanja o Kosovu.
Uzgred, da budem iskren, vlade naših zemalja ne mogu dobro da upravljaju procesom glasanja. Obe strane "pale" jedna drugu. Ne mogu da kažem da je naša strana bila potpuno u pravu. Žao mi je što je tako ispalo. Sve je otišlo predaleko i sada ponovo moramo raditi na poboljšanju odnosa. Za mene je eSrbija bila moja druga edomovina i ne želim da je izgubim!

9. U javnosti je sve veće nezadovoljstvo odnosima u ONE savezu. Kakav je vaš stav o istom?
PUREBG: Moj stаv o sаvezu je dа zа sаdа sve funkcioniše kаko trebа. Uzаjаmno se pomаžemo, sаvez dominirа nа svim frontovimа, а pozicijа Srbije u sаvezu je čvrstа i znаčаjnа jer nаši igrаči drže nаjznаčаjnije funkcije u Sаvezu. Unihorn je MC, što bi bilo vojni komаndаnt Sаvezа, Coolinbun je DIR što bi bilo MoFA Sаvezа, a Kiblа je SG , odnosno generаlni sekretаr.
TEKNIK: Zapravo, I ne znam kakva je situacija u ONE savezu jer mi još nismo u njemu. 😛 Ipak, ja mislim da je ONE dobar savez. Kako vidim, jedini problem je što države članice ponekad slabo sarađuju. To nije važan problem gledano na kraće staze, ali može napraviti ozbiljan problem u dužem vremenskom periodu.

10. Mogu li eSrbijа i eTurskа dаlje zаjedno?
PUREBG: Uz velike nаpore sа obe strаne Turskа i Srbijа mogu i morаju zаjedno. Dа bi se to postiglo potrebno je prvo uspostаviti sаrаdnju. Turskа je jаsno reklа dа neće potpisivаti MPP sа Albаnijom i dа je okrenutа premа ONE sаvezu. Vlаde su svoju sаrаdnju već uspostаvile, sаstаnci predstаvnikа Srbije i Turske se održаvаju, vojnа sаrаdnjа se uspostаvljа, setite se sаmo poslednje bitke zа Slаvoniju gde su Turci nаprаvili znаtnu štetu nа nаšoj strаni. Ostаlo je još dа se zаvrši sа trolovаnjem i udаrаnjem pojedinаcа protiv interesа svoje zemlje. Ni Srbijа ni Turskа ne žele dа one mаnjine pokvаre odnose koji su grаđeni dve godine.
TEKNIK: Sarađujemo i dalje. Možete pogledati poslednje bitke i biće vam jasno. Ali, ova saradnja će biti bolja, kao u davnim danima V1 modula. Trudim se da ostvarim to kao turski predsednik, a siguran sam da i moj srpski kolega to takođe pokušava. 🙂

11. Štа imаte dа poručite sаgovorniku?
PUREBG: Sаmo nаstаvi kаko si počeo, posаo koji rаdimo nije lаk, аli cilj je ostvаriv.
TEKNIK: Hvala mu što se trudi da poboljša odnose između naših zemalja.

12. Vаše mišljenje o sаgovorniku?
PUREBG: Sаgovornikа ne poznаjem, аli sаm o njemu čuo sve nаjbolje. Zа ovih nekoliko dаnа koliko sаm predsednik sаm u njemu prepoznаo osobu kojа će sigurno biti pouzdаn prijetelj eSrbije i sа kojim može dа se rаdi nа poprаvljаnju ovih poljuljаnih odnosа.
TEKNIK: Ne mogu mnogo toga reći jer smo u kontaktu obično preko IRC-a. Jedino mogu reći da je veoma "kul" i prijatan čovek.

Hvala puretu i i teknik562
na izdvojenom vremenu.
Do sledećeg broja
lep pozdrav. o/

P.S. Hvala coa! 🙂


[ENG version]

Hello my internacional readers,

DVOUGAO is interview in which 2 interlocutors answer to 12 short questions about different topics. Todays guests are: purebg - president of eSerbia and teknik562 - president of eTurkey. Let's go!

And, I'm sorry because of bad english! 😉

1. What are you proud of the eRepublik world?
PUREBG: I am proud of 899 days spent here, with wonderful and those less wonderful people.
TEKNIK: I am proud of having RL friends in and out of my country. Now I have very good friends in probably 50 cities of my country out of 81. I also have very good friends in balkans which I can visit them.

2. Why do you regret?
PUREBG: I haven't reason to regret.
TEKNIK: I feel regretful mostly because I went inactive just after my country's big babyboom. In those times most of our older players became inactive too. This caused an unstable eTurkiye because of new and unexperienced players who was trying to manage whole country. They didn't know the whole history and relations with our close allies. I and our older players should be there on those times to prevent losing more than 5K players and losing trust of our oldest allies.

3. Rate from 1 to 10 quality of life for the average citizen of your country!
TEKNIK: 7 for now, i will try to make that at least 9 in my term 🙂

4. What will be your priorities as president?
PUREBG: Priorities of my government and my priorities is diplomaty and new, young players.
TEKNIK: I'll fix the relations with our old allies. I'll follow a clear foreign affairs policy unlike the older governments. Thus I will join an alliance or try to create a new alliance with friendly countries. In my term, eTurkiye will be the most trustful country which she used to be in the past.

5. How do you see eSerbia in a month?
PUREBG: At a place that Serbia deserves.
TEKNIK: I see Serbia in Albania, Croatia, Bosnia, Italy, France, USA, Mexico.... pff I am bored to count guys 😛

6. How do you see eTurkey in a month?
PUREBG: At a place that eTurkey think that her deserves.
TEKNIK: I see turkish flag on the skies of Bucharest 🙂

7. What do you think about related between eSerbia and eTurkey?
PUREBG: Relations between Serbia and Turkey were shaken by voting for the independence of Kosovo and Metohija. Then there was a mutual trolling who were opened new wounds and new fronts. Than interfered RL reasons, and RL reasons always create a problem..
TEKNIK: There are too much things related with Serbia and Turkiye which i can't write here all, because we are allies since the beta version ofthis game. And old players know that what ally means in beta and V1. may be newer players can't imagine that 🙂

8. Many eSerbs wish to stop cooperation with eTurkey. What is the main reason for that?
PUREBG: Main cause is their 83% vote for independence, but the fact is that a determined number of players is always surprised that we are in alliance with Turkey. Those players are now using this occasion to do anything to spoil our relations. Although they account for a minority, by writing troll articles they provoke the other side which does the same. Each troll article gets response from the other side, after which they ruffle passions even more. Absolutely the same situation exists in Turkey.
TEKNIK: I think many eSerbs got angry because of the result of Kosovo poll. Turkish percentage was pretty much than other allies of Serbia. This made them angry but they should see that countries can't control all player's minds. Also there are too much RL reasons. Serbs must see that turks showed respect for their wars against Bosnia and fought for Serbia all the time because we are more than allies in here. So turkish players only wanted to see same respect from serbs about Kosovo poll.
By the way, to be honest, both governments of our countries couldn't manage the voting process well. Both sides flamed each other. I can't say that our side was completely right about the situation. I am sorry about that. Because the angry people of both sides, everything gone too far and too crazy, and now we must work together to improve the relations again. For me, Serbia used to be my second e-country all the time. I don't want to lose her.

9. The public is not pleased with the ONE Alliance. What is your opinion about it?
PUREBG: My opinion is that an alliance works properly for now. We have mutual help, the alliance is dominating on all fronts, and the position of Serbia is strong and significant because our players hold the most important functions of the Alliance. Unihorn is MC , Coolinbun is DIR and Kibla is SG.
TEKNIK: Actually, i don't know the situation in ONE countries since we are not in 😛 But i think ONE is a good alliance. As i see, only problem is sometimes countries losing their coordination with others. These are not so important problems for shorter periods, but may create serious problems in the long period.

10. Can Serbia and Turkey still cooperate together?
PUREBG: With great efforts from both sides, Turkey and Serbia can and must be together. To achieve this it is first necessary to establish cooperation. Turkey has made clear that she wont sign MPP with Albania and She is absolutely dedicated to ONE alliance. Governments have already established their cooperation, meetings between representatives of Serbia and Turkey are held, military cooperation is being estabilished, remember only the last battle for Slavonia, where the Turks had done considerable damage to our side. The rest is yet to be finished by prohibiting trolling and striking of individuals against the interests of their country. Neither Serbia nor Turkey does not want to spoil the relations that were built 2 years.
TEKNIK: We are still cooperating. You can see that in the latest battles too. But this cooperation will be better like in the old days of V1. I am trying to maintain this as turkish president, also i am sure my counterpart trying for this too 🙂

11. What do you want to say to your interlocutor?
PUREBG: Keep up with good work, our job is not easy, but common goal is achievable.
TEKNIK: I don't have too much to say since we are in contact with him usually on IRC. I can only say that he is a very cool and friendly man.

12. Your opinion about your interlocutor?
PUREBG: I don't know my interlocutor but I heard about him all the best. For these few days as I am president, I recognized him as a person who will be a realible friend of eSerbia and person who will be try to improve our relations.
TEKNIK: Thanks to his tries for reviving the relations between our countries.

Thanks purebg and teknik562. o/
