[IA] Vote for Schums in Gauteng

Day 1,191, 01:36 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ines Schumacher

Wow. I feel like I've been gone so long that I have to educate the new players who I am. But at the same time, I've been playing this game so long I can't even remember all the things I've done. That, ladies and gentlemen, is what is called irony.

Anyway, here it goes. I am going to be deliberately vague:
* eSouth African president x 3
The first time as the leader of the first resistance and twice officially elected
* Congress member three times
I was in the eUS Airborne for nearly a year and this prevented me from running for congress - since back then you couldn't move away from the country once you got into congress
* Party president a number of times of various parties (*cough😉
History lesson: I actually co-founded the Independent Alternative, kids!
* Been in government too many times to count as minister of defense, social development, information, foreign affairs (my favourite) and so on...
* Intolerable Grammar Nazi

So basically I managed to bring the country back when it was off the map with diplomacy, not war and that made me popular with many foreign presidents and the international community, not to mention at home (I've since changed my attitude to war - I think it rocks!). Then we kicked ass as a country for a long time before we got wiped off again and so the story goes. I did one awesome thing and that's what everyone remembers, ha ha.

All you need to know is that I care deeply about this eCountry and despite being gone for so long because of RL I've stayed in touch with lots of eSouth African players. This is my eHome and I wouldn't want it any other way. I would love to have the opportunity to represent you in congress.

Vote for Ines Schumacher in Gauteng! Running for the greatest party in eSouth Africa, Independent Alternative.