[First Edition] Swiss People Award (June 2016)

Day 3,135, 15:40 Published in Switzerland Venezuela by Alexander Foxx

Geneva, Switzerland
Day 3135 of the New World

Narrator: Good Night Geneva, please welcome to the Swiss People Award JUNE 2016!!!!!

Narrator: To open this beautiful night, please receive with cheers to the british band.... ROYAL BLOOD!!!!


Narrator: Now please welcome to the presenter of the night, the Minister Of Education... ALEXANDER JR ALLUP!!!

HELLO PEOPLE OF eSWITZERLAND!!!!! have a nice night, i´m very proud to be a swiss , i want to gives thanks to blackbeard00, Fenoglioteam, Rican and TheTrendoReborn to accept my CS and give me all the support, thank you guys, you are a part of my elife 😃.

So, this is the first Swiss People Award, we reward the most influential swiss citizen of the month (we dont have money prize in the first edition), we examine the achievements made by Swiss on the politically, socially, and militarily ambit, the person that reachs the maximun score in all the ambits he will the winner.

So, without any more preambles, this is the presenter of the Swiss People Award June 2016... STEVE HARVEY!!!!

Steve: Thank you so much Mr. Minister to invite me to this amazing award, ok swiss people, are you already to know the winner? *open the envelope*

Steve: And the Swiss People Award goes to...


Congratulations to the founder of Swiss Pirate Party, Ministry of Defense and Commander of Swiss Guard, why you win this award?

Social: You are actually, the most famous (with rican) swiss citizen of the world
Political and Military: In your last CP period, you gain the territories ocupated by slovenia that now, are SWISS AGAIN!!


Thank you Geneva, Now to dismiss the night, the one and only.......MIKE TYSOOONN!!!!!!