[Fear] Hide the manhole covers...

Day 2,124, 14:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WayneKerr
....the Bulgarians are coming!

Soon, according to the daily papers, the real life UK could be faced with an army of jobless Bulgarians coming to our shores, picking our pockets and stealing our manhole covers as they go.

Well, it seems the eRepublik playing portion of Lolgaria fancy getting a head start. After successfully clinging to the under carriage of trucks for the long and gruelling trip into Scandinavia, they now sit poised to float across the North Sea in their droves...

Hristo was meant to pack the bloody pump...

With such a natural border (the sea), Britain can at times seem a bit cramped. With our sheep bothering Polish brethren colonizing Wales and the eIrish occupying regions that rightfully belong to us, we can find it difficult to a place Lolgaria in the British Isle, in which they can call home.

Their first port of call will be Scotland, a land where it's tradition for the men to wear skirts and to go bare chested in winter. A hardy bunch of men and women, some would say. Although Scotland itself is a crappy place, it's a damn sight better than that of Bulgaria, I can see them being reminded of home and settling there for a while.

The wealthy in Scotland...

Once the Scot's pockets are empty (which to be honest shouldn't be long), we may see the Gypsy Thief's making their way south. With London no doubt being a highly sought after target. The rich, financial capital of the world should make easy pickings for the hordes of Bulgarians heading our way.

Our options?

So what can we do to prevent the looting and pillaging of our bronze memorials, manhole covers, loose change and mobile phones?

The Great Manhole Heist of 2013.

Not a great deal...

So just sit back, pray for TWO damage to turn up and keep clicking that fight button...

...and remember

Chin up eUK, could be worse...

Could be French!