(Editorial) Military Units are important

Day 4,762, 09:46 Published in USA USA by Josh Whitehead

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“Off to fight those Germans are we Mr Frodo?”
“Sam, my dear Sam...

Look! The spitfires are coming!”

Whenever eUS is invaded, who is the first to take charge and bring eUS home? Military Units. Whenever our allies need help, who are the first to jump the train tracks and grab their railguns? Military Units.
Who really is the driving force of our economy? Members of military Units.

They're the true MVPs of economic growth.

A boss, or leader of a MU of lets say https://www.erepublik.com/en/military/military-unit/4369/overview] U.S Pentagon goes in the eUS market and needs/wants to buy x amount of Q7 guns for his members. So, he buys those products.

Who makes those products? Let's say my friend Josh Whitehead has 9 billon Q12 gun factories, how can he make those guns? He needs RAW material to make guns. So, Josh goes to the market and buys up products so he can make guns for the US Pentagon to buy up.

But who makes RAW material? Let's say PilotPhil owns a million high-end RAW materials. Now he has 1.5 billion RAW and now can be sold on the market, GMO-free. YUMMMMMYYY!

Now, let's get freaky up in here..... Who also helps Military Units grow? Training Wars.

Training wars are a great way too; Build up your player’s strength, accrued kills to accomplish daily 25/kill goal for your MU. Get medals which in turn have rewards like 1,000 american cocaine-scented dollars and/or gold. Also, to fight well in a war you need in turns guns and food.

Gold, in turn as you accrued more, can buy or update a company for your own use or continue to build a tycoon empire.

In turn, you...me can help a unit out by making said goods, sell them on the market and make a quick penny or 40.

MIlitary Units are a big part of our economy as most people in any given country are affiliated with a MU or 2.

Some MU are privately funded like the U.S Pentagon while others are funded by the government.

MU, in turn give their guys an x amount of cash food or whatever it is to give them a bit of a boost. eUS has a program as well that gives you a boost. Take advantage of these both if i were you.

MU, depending which one we can talk about, has a lot of members. People may not realize that eUS has a lot more stronger fighters in the game than any other eNation, that's for damn sure. How? By buying up food or other sources to help them on the battlefield.

MU sometimes work together meaning coordinate where to attack or defend next. Just look at the resource wars. Perfect example. Behind the seasons, alot of people got together from different MU and helped coordinate which resource war to snag first. Then, the commanders would set the settings and the recruits would then follow through the commands and fight.

Fighting a war, may it be training or for real, are not cheap.

eUS economy, believe it or not, is actually one of the biggest in eRepublik. A lot of people import their goods because they KNOW eUS has the best soldiers and hard hitters around. Wanna keep me happy? Feed me. Want my guns and land hard? Help me.

WIthout Military units, the eUS economy would collapse. Just like real life, the eUS profits off war (in a way, in very loose terms). Without MU, you wouldn't be able to save up your energy bars each day and in turn, turn it into a possible profit making Hero Medal that can get you one step closer to a Q7 whatever.

Wanna boost our militarized economy? Don’t buy import, only buy local American made products.

That's profit, that eUSD in turn stays within our country and you, in turn help boost the treasury and boost more programs that can help the young and old players of eRep. That profit that American made companies can in turn buy gold to upgrade or build more companies.

Military Units depend on that
Military Units depend on you

I highly recommend joining a privately funded MU that dont have so much overhead or breathing down your back. Join one that makes you feel like youre a person, that you are at home. You won’t turn back. Trust me.

Take care.