[DoC] Community Awards of March 2011

Day 1,227, 22:56 Published in South Africa South Africa by Vroteier9

What are the the eSA community Awards?

Welcome to the eSA community Awards. What are the eSA community Awards you may ask? The eSA community Awards are something new
thought of my the ministry of Domestic Affairs and something that will hopefully become a monthly thing in the months to follow.
The awards are meant to put people who did something special for the community in whatever way in the spotlight and let people
see they are appreciate and what they do for the country is appreciated.


The current awards will the given, in 9 categories

Best Entrepreneur Given to the best company owner/Entrepreneur of the Month
Best Employee: Business owners can nominate their best employee of the month to get this reward.
Politician of the Month: Given to the best/active politician of the month
Upcoming Citizen: The best/active new citizen
Best Newspaper/Publisher: Though one publisher stood out from the rest of the pact this month?
Best Article of the Month: Read an article that just blew your mind, made you chuckle or just simply think? DoC would appreciate it if you provide a link to said article
Citizen of the Month: For citizens who did something charitable or did something else positive for the community.
Active forum user:The most active forum user, this is meant in a positive way with good post and not spamming.
Best Soldier: The best solider of this month, not per say the one who did the most damage.

How to nominate

On the forum there will be 9 topic, one for each category(For those of you who are really fast please wait a min or 2 for the topics to be created).
Everybody is able to nominate *one* person per category, a nomination has to be seconded by one other person for the nomination to come eligible for the awards. After 3 days a 24 hr vote will be held for the community to vote on & choose a winner. In case of a time in a category a second vote will be cast between the tied Nominations.


- Have South African citizenship
- Be part of the community (be registered on the forum)
- For the Upcoming Citizen you can not be older then 2 months old

Changes since Last Month
-Removal of Most Active/Noteworthy Party Award.
-Best Entrepreneur/Employee Award has been split into 2 separate awards.
-Added Best Article of the month Award.

Sponsors & Prizes

I am hoping that there are citizens and/or companies that are willing to be a sponsor for the eSA community awards and we will be able to give each winner (and maybe runner up) and small prize for winning the awards. If you are interested please contact Matt Le ROux or just donate it to the Ministry of Social Affairs org