[Dictatorship] Day 11

Day 2,855, 03:20 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

My dictatorship is 11 days old and with mechanics I figure its going to come to a close soon. Xander calls them the hippies and he's right as there not willing to ruffle feathers when it comes to decision making. TBH DMV would be in our camp except for the fact I like to lead as much as he does as we operate the same when all is said and done.

What a week. I went into verbal warfare with MEK and it cost me 9 FPs and back to back comment bannings. I finally get to speak. On the subject I'll only say GU480 is an opportunistic whore with his buttbuddy GruBlue allowing it to happen. Its not the fault of MEK as they can't be held accountable for all the trash they pick up along the way of operating a great MU.

I kinda wanted to get James Bond a CP medal after all these years and not because I was scared of losing the actual CP race. Exalted Druid decided to say I was to scared to run. I would have run but honestly Bond deserved a medal.

I'll be running Oct the 5th, officially whether my dictatorship is alive or not. CPF missed another awesome lulz moment with electing Bond. Not the first time they missed the bus and won't be the last.

The Money

The 500k cc defence fund is still untouched and under Foxfire control. He might be a supporter of mine but Canada comes first in his eyes. So regardless of who's in power its for defence.

Exalted druid pulled out 100k as I took over and 57k cc was sent to me. 17k cc was used for citizen facility upgrading. 2k was used for the writing contest paid from fox. So that leaves me with 40k cc govt money and him with 41k cc which I'm sure is fine. I pulled out 100k cc from the coffers and its just sitting in ministry of finance. 50k cc planned on going to Xichaels program.

Thats a bunch of boring crap economical and such.

[img]I had an awesome picture for this here but it had a swear word so since everyone likes reporting me its a description.[/img]

Sonic the hedge hog catches the roadrunner and gives him to coyote for money and saying money gets S**t done.

Ring around the rosey with Ireland

The war with Ireland is less a training war and more of us, mainly me just making sure I keep making us money through true patriot cash and whatnot. They didn't want the war and I'm pretty sure they still don't but the money that's being made offsets there anger. I'm sure there guys are making money to.

For the record were the bad guys right now.


I made a threat to congress mainly DMV that unless I got my masking back I would AS USA on 9/11. Can't AS a land border nation it seems. Yeah I'm a dummy sometimes I'll own it. 9/11 might have happened under my watch. Damn mechanics. I learned something.

Propose peace

Not once after all my years of leading have I ever tried to propose peace in war. It was either we got wiped or they did. I was scratching my head wondering why I couldn't propose peace to Ireland. Ticket sent and drop your NE they said and then it could be done. Another lesson learned. Rip on me at will for not knowing and having learned.

I made a mistake as I have many times in the past.

The Skinny

Half the populace is not happy I took over the nation. Fortunatly for me its the weak half backed by a couple strong fighters.

How will we move forward and work together as I know time is not on my side?

Do you just overthrow me and we remain divided as I plan my next coup?

I won't spend a cent of my own money and only use raised funds for the next takeover.

We still currently hold 80% weapons bonus through our Uk holdings which I keep paying to keep.


I cancelled our Airstrike for the simple reasoning of that's when our internal rivals would strike.

Lets be honest here for a minute now. I've not led the country to ruin and constant warfare is a benefit to all even if it steps on a nations toes.

I'm not well liked but maybe your side should give me a chance to lead.
Instead of becoming sleeping bears because your mad.

The nation is actually getting stronger if you look at the finances. I budgeted 7200 a day being conservative and we surpass that easily daily.

I wish I could trust the country enough to send us into more war via a Airstrike.