[DB]Where to draw the line?

Day 906, 07:51 Published in Austria Austria by Penegrin

Dear Citizens!

A lot has been said recently and people are concerned about the events we saw in the past days. We all know the congress is controlled by Croats and we all know what they did so far: steal our money.

But yesterday they brought it to a new level. By proposing new taxes on food, grain and minimum wages they threatened to destroy our country.

Now the Croats say ‘we tried to negotiate’. Funny how the Croats define ‘negotiation’. The government found way to stop the theft. That’s why they tried to ‘negotiate’ and the terms were pretty simple: let them steal anything they want or they destroy our country.

Now in my dictionary that’s called ‘blackmail’ and I guess yours will offer you a similar definition. So this time they wanted money. Next time? ‘Give us your state orgs or we destroy the country’. ‘Give us a region or we destroy the country’. ‘Give us presidency or we destroy the country’.

Negotiations can only work if both sides can trust each other. The Croats proved you can not trust them. The government knows how hard these tax raises and the new minimum wage can be for everybody. But we all know it could be a lot worse if we let them do what they want.

The government is prepared to aide every citizen. We have tickets if you want to leave the country. We have food in our state orgs we can distribute for free. And if these are not enough I’ll personally distribute food from my own company.

Yes, giving them what they want would be easier. But the easiest way is not always the best way. So show the Croats that you are proud citizens of a sovereign nation. Show them they can not intimidate us and that no threat will bring them any closer to their goal. And their goal is simple: get as much money out of eAustria as possible. Right now we block ATS worth about 2200 gold. Do you want this gold to wander in the pockets of blackmailing thieves? I don’ think so…

Minister of Labor