[Day 2792-2795] Market Prices and Cost/Use

Day 2,795, 08:36 Published in USA USA by JmanTizzle


Cost Per Use:
Q1= .0300
Q2= .0275
Q3= .0275
Q4= .0288
Q5= .0343
Q6= .0310
Q7= .0338

Food Review:
Q2 and Q3 food cost the same amount of money to use and are both tied for the lowest cost per use. However, Q6 food is still dipped down below where it should be and is also a good buy for players with some more money to spare on it.


Cost Per 20 Fire Power:
Q1= .0400
Q2= .0313
Q3= .0375
Q4= .0650
Q5= .1625
Q6= .4700
Q7= .7090

Weapons Review:
Q2 weapons are still the cheapest to use however, I know that they are noneffective in battle. In this case, I would recommend buying Q5 or Q6 because Q5 is on a slight decline and Q6 is steady at a good $2.82. Q7 is on the rise and will most likely continue to rise.

I changed up the Weapons Cost per Use to Cost per 20 Firepower because it seems to be more effective and correct to do so based on the fact that few people care about their cost per use and more people care about the firepower that they have and the best buy for their money.