[CP] Sendoff

Day 1,414, 19:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

Hey Guys.

I like the banner. 'Ireland is victorious'
Makes me feel good.

Anyway; on to more pressing matters. It has come to my attention that
Irishbhoy1967 Feels like not enough people know who he is and what he does.

Ladies and gentlemen, he is the Godfather

All should bow down before him, bask in his glory.
(Also, join the ICA)

But seriously, IBhoy has helped me tremendously all throughout my term, beginning to end. Without his help, London would still be standing, and my term wouldn't be nearly as successful. Thanks for all your help IB!

Also, thanks to:
Aeriala: eCan CP
Roger Griswal😛 eCan MoD
Seanan&Kurdt: MoD's
Fear Malice: MoFA
Chewie: Troll/Advisor
Padraig&CT: Trolls
And many more! Without everyone's help, I would have been impeached and probably drawn and quartered.

I might run again once summer break comes, but university is just too time consuming for a CP.

Patrick O'Leary
Servant of eIreland.