[CP] Reorganizing DAF: Captains

Day 2,859, 11:30 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

It's time to inform you more about my defense plans. I will do this in several articles, but the central point won't be the defense plans itself, but about the problem they have to solve. I think there are still a lot of people who don't see the problem and I want to try to bring this message of this urgent problem across.

There is a division in our country. In fact there are multiple divisions. In the political field there is mainly a division between the old experienced politicians and new young soldier politicians. The new ones wants to stimulate activity by seeking war, the old ones likes the diplomatic solution for conflicts. Both are great view points, but the past months have shown that there isn't much respect for the other. There are conflicts who have nothing to do with the content of the messages, but everything with the person itself. That's something which split our small community in two.

The cause of this situation is in my opinion the lack of empathy for each others position. This is not only seen in politics, but everywhere in our country. This has lead to a division between soldiers and politcians. Soldiers despise politicians, their platform of deliberation and sometimes even the law. Politicians on the other hand despise military organization, the complaining and self-interest of the soldiers. This is a big problem in my opinion and will cause a further split in our country. If we want to be more than we are right now, if we want to be a great country, if we want to grow as a country, we have to come together and not be divided.

Is it possible people change their way of seeing things and show some empathy? I don't know, but so far it isn't. The problem is growing. That's why I'm focussing on DAF.

DAF is much more than a state military unit. It's the place where our community is. Nowhere else can you see more people talking and learning with eachother, having fun together and debate about military stuff. It's amazing to see this and it has great potential to be much more. I hope in the future, DAF is a place for everyone and not only for soldiers. It's hard to maintain a community when the one half is in DAF and the other one on the forum. I would like to merge. Bringing the politicians to DAF and the soldiers to the forum. With my defense plans I will try to do the first. But not without consideration. It's very important we not just throw these two communties together. That won't work. We need full collaboratiom of the soldiers to welcome the politicians. This means we have to discuss about what needs to change and what should be preserved. I will start with this in the upcoming week.

The first thing to focus on is the functioning of the captains. Their role should be clear for everyone. They have to educate and lead the regiments of soldiers and make them aware of the things they have to be aware of. The problem we have right now is that we have not enough people who are active and motivated for the job of Captain. The most active people are elsewhere. That has to change. More of that in the next article. If the new captains are in place, we should give new people the chance to become captain in the future. We will try to find a way to educate these people to the future Captains and maybe even Commanders. The next week we will be focussing on these Captain functions. I hope we are able to make progress on this matter.

If you are interested in helping out and be a very important part of our community and of our State Military Unit, DAF, please send me, the MoD, or any of the Commanders a message. We are looking forward to welcome you!

The next article I will be publishing sometime in the following days will be focused on the politicians.
Your President,

Spir Tus