[CP Candidate] Ministry of HomeAffairs August 2012

Day 1,714, 10:01 Published in Switzerland Denmark by Gucio
Greetings citizens of Switzerland!

This article isn’t just about the Homeland Security, but about all of the domestic departments.

Ministry of Health (MoH) - Over this month, the Ministry of Health wasn’t really active, although luckily, we did receive a lot of help from SWIDAH. Over the next month, I plan to make several giveaways every week. Due to the market prices falling down quite hard though, I’ve also planned to add a few Q6 weapons to each giveaway to support the weaker citizens.
As an addition to that, I would like to start a new program for citizens to acquire Q6 weapons easily: a commune system. Citizens would be working in companies for free and would receive most of the weapons they make. More information is to come out soon.

Ministry of Education (MoE) - Over the next month I plan to make a Baby Boom. Recently looking at the food and weapons market, a lot of young citizens are trying to produce and sell Q1 Food/Weapons which isn’t really the best idea, since those citizens barely earn anything from that. The Minister of Education will be working closely with those citizens, advising and training them on how to produce, use, and sell goods in a more efficient way. In addition, recently there have been several changes in the game and on the statistical sites such as egov4you. The Ministry of Education therefore, should definitely educate Swiss citizens on these new changes, and tools to help accomplish economic or military goals.

Ministry of Home Affairs/Homeland Security - The first half of the term will be relatively quiet as there will be no Congress, at least until the 25th of August. For the Party President elections though, the MoHA will make sure that none of the parties are under a Political Take-Over, but if necessary, will take action, preventing such threatening behavior.

Ministry of Finance (MoF) - I don’t really much to say about finances, but I will be planning to invest money into a bank which would give us X% interest every month. In addition, since we just recently liberated 1 region back, the economy will slowly repair itself; and with the income tax and VAT, I do believe that we will be able to get the money back which were already spent on the supplies for the war against Croatia.

That is all!

Best wishes,
Presidential Candidate

[CP Candidate] Ministry of Foreign Affairs August 2012
CP Candidature Announcement