[BG] We've got the biggest balls of them all [AC/DC style]

Day 778, 23:44 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by NIKrumov

This is a response to this article Link. It is my personal opinion and I would try to keep it short.

Thanks, but no, thanks. You guys can erase us from the map. The only country that would be harmed by this is your own, so I doubt you will do it. What do I mean?

1. Romanian bluff.
Romania has all its MPPs activated against Bulgaria. Romania attacking and conquering Sofia would mean the temporary end of Bulgaria but it would also mean the end of all these beautiful MPPs. It is a fact that if you close this war, Bulgaria would be able to appear back on the map through Serbia / Turkey within days. If you think you can hold on to our territories you are deeply mistaken. 1 on 1 between Serbia and Romania would end up as a win for Serbia in the long term. As Serbians are our friends, Bulgaria will be free within days after you get your asses handed to you in the Serbia-Romania war. When Bulgaria pops up back on the map, you would not have a war against us and if you decide to open the war again, it would cost you a good amount of gold. Even after you open your war again, you won't have your MPPs activated, which would essentially mean another mindless tanking on your part. Do I have to be the one reminding you how much it cost you the first time around?

2. Bulgarian honor
We could lose our country but this is just a game. It will not matter. This is not real life- we are not losing our homes or lives. Something that seems a lot of you forget for some reason. However, we have real friends created in this game and an eventual betrayal by playing with you would speak louder than anything anyone has ever done. We would not betray our friends, even if it means us losing our regions for a couple of days. I am sure you guys remember the last time you tried to devour one of your neighbors. You shake from fear in your beds that Hungary might decide to do something to you. I am sure you won't feel very good about a third big enemy country sharing a border with you, will you?

3. Romanian false promises
You keep your word? Come again? Should I be the one reminding you how your own alliance tricked Germany? You promised them the sky, remember? What they got was a knife in the back by you and your friends. As Cervantes and many before him put it: "Tell me thy company, and I'll tell thee what thou art."

4. Romanian lies
We were forced to attack you? Oh, how wrong you are, my dear northern friends. Yes, we coordinated with Hungary but no one forced our hand to attack you. If anyone is responsible for this, it is Adiemus and his declaration of war. We do not respond well to threats. We respond even worse to people who want to take our land away from us.

As a conclusion, you offer us an easy and a hard way but I believe you have it wrong. The easy way for us is to fight you back. The hard one is to betray our friends, who have proven themselves and who have never even thought about attacking us unlike you, and to help you in destroying a country that we have fought shoulder to shoulder with for months. So, Mihail, please go back to your masters and tell them this: "We'd fight you until the last moment of our existence in this game and then some more."

Thank you,
A mere citizen fighting for his counry