[BG] More than a Battle Hero medal

Day 1,448, 10:36 Published in Romania China by mihail.cazacu

Today during the last round of battle 16099 (RW in Black Sea Coast of Turkey) I noticed the last round was heavily contested by Turkey.

Romania had already started the attack of Southeastern Anatolia, therefore it was crucial to close the RW. If the Turks wanted to open it again, they would be some 3 round behind after we win Southestern Anatolia.

I had quite a large collection of bazookas and candy bars (by finishing the daily missions). So I told myself that tipping the scales in my country's favor in the RW would be the best use for those goodies.

To my surprise, while doing that, trying to keep the bar over 50%, I also became temporarily the Battle Hero. And then something really special happene😛 two people, out of the blue, donated me 100 tanks. They were evilgod and Nuker.

To receive such a huge amount of weaponry without asking was something so touching I was speechless.

Eventually the Battle Hero medal went to somebody who had fought even harder (cerber237 - Congratulations!). However for me the 100 tanks donated in a blink of an eye, by two countrymen who are not even part of my Military Unit are more valuable than the BH medal (Besides, that medal went to somebody who also fought for Romania and for EDEN, which means those 5 gold will be well spent in the future).

It was a great experience and I will cherish the memory of this last round for the rest of my life.

o7 evilgod
o7 Nuker
o7 cerber237 and congratulations!