[BG]Deja vu

Day 1,382, 00:37 Published in Bulgaria China by mihail.cazacu

Currently Serbia is under the threat of being deleted. That might look surprising, even miraculous. But players who were around during the Orthodox Easter time (April 15) remember Serbia was then down to a single province but bounced back.

So how could this happen that Serbia is experiencing defeat after defeat and why I think this would only be a temporary situation?

Back in April the Admins used the Big Bannhammer and wiped out some 20 000 clones/multies/bots daily, for a few days in a row. It was of course a pure coincidence that the massive clone genocide resulted in ONE losing battles all over the map. Only evil people would infer from that amazing coincidence that ONE's power is fundamentally based on cheating. Most of the people would simply assume the majority of ONE players simply stopped playing for a few days, taking a well deserved break after their previous heroic campaign for eWorld domination.

Therefore it would be ill will to interpret the current Admin massive use of the Bannhammer, which only by pure chance happens to result in eSerbia being on the brink of extinction, as showing any correlation between ONE's dominance and cheating.

What really happens is the players of ONE are simply taking advantage of the last sunny days of the summer holiday and instead of playing the game have all left their computers and went to bask in the sun on the seaside.

So when ONE will regain its dominant position in a couple of days, it won't be, as the butthurt people think, because they restored their huge clone armies. On the contrary, the well deserved eWorld domination by ONE would happen simply because the summer holidays would be over, the weather would start to be rainy and there would make less sense to be on the beach instead of staring at the computer screen.

So let's enjoy the sunny days while they last. Let's delete Serbia quick, so we can also see what the Poles are really made of.