[B&W Switzer News]International (Ireland and Pakistan) and Our Situations

Day 2,311, 10:54 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, and president of China and their teams and to my party president and other party members

I'm China MoFA-Journalist, and our president gave me permission to work here, i hope i can learn here before i go to Switzerland gov or Congress..

Good day to everyone,
This is my 7th article, usualy i will write 1 article per 2 days, this will tell you about Ireland, Switzerland, Slovenia and Specialy Pakistan..

Enjoy your newspaper..


They proposed Airstrike on Slovenia, they want to show to their allies that eIreland a loyal and will always there for their allies. They didn’t have a war for a long time, so this is time to remember how eIreland fight.. They are small country like us, but they try to unity and fight as hard as they can..

Slovenia attacked their ally - eChile.. eChile had several battles against Hungary and today their border has been closed by RW in Burgenland.. So basicly this is 2 vs 1 Battle..

They said "this is their way to show committment to their alliance and way to have fun.. So we will see prove from Ireland to world what means to be eIrish.. No matter how outnumbered they are..

We will see what will happen to that AirStrike


This week we show to our enemy and friend that even we just a small country but we always have a will and spirit to unity and fight together..

Our community grow a bit more active..
Our gov show to their people that they are with us, they making many policy that make us more fun in this game..

Looks what our president wrote, [SNA] A competition to get you fighting! that make us fighting us and give us spirit even we small but we have a big heart.. National Shield Competition give us a hope, a hope to keep us believe that we can grow even bigger than now..

My party president make an article about quote competition about our current situations now, [SFP] Switzerland Political Situation in a QUOTE - CONTEST Even this is party competitions you can enter this contest.. Lets not think about party lets think how about to make our comunity more active..

A message from DoDrew in his article

Fight as hard as you can, consume all FF. Switzerland can gain a lot of gold out of this contest ( as it previously did ). It's a huge income source for us and the our Government will share the profit with the fighters. 10000% here we COME!

In other article LucasFTM give us message to show the world what is Switzerland mean.. "We saw the need to compensate for all that we have lost during our millennial sleep with the creation of the Swiss Anti Bullshit Tank.. It's time to start the Swiss Party!!!"

As a citizen of Switzerland i ask you to join me on my campaign to make a babyboom for our country even you not a swiss in RL you still can join Swiss Forum and make a post about erepublik like i did here ::

Babyboom swiss power \o/


Hail eSwitzerland
PS :: Report from EROsensei


The Hungarian government, troubled by a three front war (Chile, Poland and Bulgaria) that has driven them to a fall back in all it's lines, has opted wisely and has closed borders with Chile. For that in this moments they're releasing the Burgenland region that originally belongs to Austria.

For eChile it's also very convenient, because in this way we can fight against Slovenia alone.. At this moment the NE they sent us is being approved and we found ourselves, for the first time that our European campaign started, in the stance of not having the initiative against an European power..

Given the time slot that the campaign will be opened it will be a big challenge to face this new enemy for chile..

Will chile and ireland win ?? or will slovenia who win this campaign ?? We will see,


Yesterdan they were surprised by an Airstrike proposal from eBrazil, which forced us to do a urgent meeting with turkish and brazilian reps, to explain the action..

According to Brazil, they had a green light from our government..
Since they have a good friendship with brazil they have agreement ::

1. Brazil'll leave Pakistan ASAP
2. Brazil'll pay 750 CC for each day they stay in pakistan territory
3. If Brazil break 1 and/or 2, MAD MU will support ePakistani freedom.

Now MoFA Pakistan open Ambassadorship Program, It is strategically vital for any country to have ties with other countries abroad. 'Ambassadorship Program' is a project to (re)connect them with these countries and promote their brand/identity to Other country.. It will also help them staying in touch with the friendly countries on a rather official note.

And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.


Black Whiter