[B&W Switzer News]The Good Government is They Who Can Make Society Unity

Day 2,330, 01:59 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter
Vote, Comment "Hail eSwitzerland" and Shout this article will be get 2 weapon Q7

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our New Presidents, their teams and to my party president and other party members
Good day to everyone,
This is my 17th article, i will the article title is not show what this article is because i will tell you about the how to make good government..

The president didn't just make a case for big government; he argued that the government must adapt to meet its citizens' needs.

Individuals and societies have always adapted to change, whether catastrophic or slow onset. Over the last two centuries, however, governments have significantly extended their role as ultimate social manager of risk. It is as yet unclear whether, how, or to what extent governments will add adaptation to climate change to their portfolio of responsibilities.

Uncertainties about the future impacts of climate change obviate definitive conclusions about future adaptation actions and insights for specific situations cannot be generalised. Although the phenomenon of ‘government failure’ is generally ignored in the adaptation literature (and often by policy makers), it too can stymie efficient adaptation.

There are no fixed rules for what government should do because we can’t anticipate the future.

How to make good govenment
There are several ways that we can reduce the power of special interests and make our government more democratic, more transparancy, more effecient and more good. The most promising reforms include creating more economic equality among citizens, adopting public financing transparancy, make some event on our media, irc, try to build connections to our friend and allies, an balance on social and politic and using more representative voting systems.

Let's see how to make good government,
1. You must have some people on your cabinet that is outside of your party members, choose some young and some old people from all party who are active and capable enough to take that job. With this, this will bring balance to our country no need internal fight and no need some drama.

2. For Defense make some new MPPs. MoFA, MoF and MoD staff put their heads together and work out which would be efficient economical options so we could choose carefully which country we should sign even now we are not in war but MPP could make a bond. Maybe COs will just be a more economical way to provide damage where we need it (if it needed). Always publish order article, transparancy of flow chart money and etc. We need some tutorial and we need make some defense, strategy, and tanker class so we could have a good strategy on war and tanker.

We need to going to make official a few things that are already happening in this department. The reality of us being a small country and the limitations of the current economy module means that I believe it is more efficient for eSwitzerland to continue grow our Defence Force

3. I believe we could be a bit more pro-active in this department. we can make our ministry to hunt down our new players and spank them till they get involved in eSwitzerland i have some friend that have a capasity to take job on government. government must investigate ways to find these new players and not wait for them to find us. I'm hoping that we can implement a supply program for our division 1 & 2 players under our army like what dan do on SNA, I believe, will greatly encourage them to stay in the game. We need to update the welcome message new players receive so they know where to go and what to do to best play the game for eSwitzerland.
Government should be writing articles that explain all the mechanics of the game (tutorial) often, although I don't know how effective this is. It would be handy to be able to provide the links to these articles for future new players to reference and learn from. The Government should also support our national MUs through the combat orders system (CO) or through individual supply.

4. MoFA Send ambassador to another country, this placement meant to make a bridge between countries eswistzerland ambassador to the country where placed. The ambassador is expected to change the displacement of citizens in order to be able to write the article there. Ambassadors are required to continue to support and be in the room where the country's ambassador stationed. Always attempt to update the paper [MOFA] government should make the paper [MOFA] not only as a newspaper that aims to discuss the agreement, events and multiple views are made ​​before, they have to make a newspaper [MOFA] into newspapers inspiring, communicative and functional. Wherein when reading the reader will get the information in case he needed to get.

Quote :: Good leader is the leader not always lead but make and train other people to become his successor..

Joined :: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/advance-3601/1

[Advance] Bottle Advance Project for new player and a baby..

And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Do you want to make your country better??


Black Whiter
Just ordinary person who want to be a president of eSwitzerland