[B&W Switzer]International Situations (Peru, Indonesia, Albania and Serbia)

Day 2,323, 22:42 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, president of China and their teams and to my party president and other party members

I'm China MoFA-Journalist, and our president gave me permission to work here, i hope i can learn here before i go to Switzerland gov or Congress..

My first article as eChina MoFA Journalist ::
Good day to everyone,
This is my 14th article, usualy i will write 1 article per 2 days now i will tell you about Australia, Brazil, Mexico and Greece..

Enjoy your newspaper..


Peru is a country that once so close to Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay they are in an alliance of regional and global alliances Rola and the CoT, but the last few months they left their friends and eventually decided to move to a different side.

They officially joined the alliance of LETO or sub Asteria, they are a friendly country and has a strong desire and embroidery. opponents admired and respected opponent. They make Babyboom last year but arguably not too successful after having 2000 population of originally 300 now remaining bit ..

Peru is also a friend of switzerland in the past, what actions would our government do in this regard and what will happen in peru whether they will be free from argentina and chile or they will remain wipe as it is now ..


Indonesia are have a problem, now they are have internal problem between some of his citizen and government because of few activity from his gov, and they think his CP in not work well..

If we see this current CP of Indonesia (Def0), he is the president who unexpectedly survived from his impeachment for 4 times in his term although most of Indonesian want him impeached. Criticized for Indonesia's weak position in world diplomacy which cause Indonesia didn't have direct war for most of his term before conquered Western Australia and Northern Territory also a natural enemy to China at the end of his term. From Wiki eRepublik

And now on march he run again as president and until now survived from 1st impeachment so until now he survived from 5 impeachment, i wondering now if he is that bad why some people still want he become president and still survived from 5 impeachment law..
Maybe he is just victim from political actions, or maybe some people just still believe on him.. We dont know until we wait this 6th Impeachment law for him and the last on this term.. he is from Front Pancasila party rank 2 on Indonesia which mean he gain many support from his party members.

Impeachment law :: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Indonesia/141280 || 8 YES and 6 NO


After losing first battle against Serbia, they defend their core region against them.. We know their power, and we aware with Greece and Serbia demage.. But after epic battle they win and they can show to everybody that, Damage is nothing without "heart", damage is nothing without "coordinations and cooperations"..

On their article they want to thank to all Albanians, who fight with all their power and with their big heart,
They give special thanks to :: Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM),Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, And all Aurora countries & also Sirius.

They considered this war is between eGreece gov and us.. Greece is the one that started this war...


On russia Article, They will support their allies above any alliance; they are interested in regional stability; and they are open for foreign political cooperation and do not consider any state to be their enemy.

To realize their words they make an agreement with serbia that called Belgrade-Moscow Accord

This does not affect Serbia alliance stance, this does not result in an alliance between the two partner countries, and will not severe eSerbia ties to Their allies, whom they have always supported and will support always with vigour and devotion.

This is what written on their agreement ::
Belgrade–Moscow Accord

Declaration of friendship, mutual respect and cooperation
between the Republic of eSerbia and eRussia

eSerbia and eRussia, following both a long history of past cooperation and a period of misunderstanding and opposition, have reviewed their relations and agreed to build them in the future on basis of mutual trust and non-animosity, as well as due respect for each country’s own foreign political priorities.

The present Declaration is the basis for further improval of cooperation and relations between eSerbia and eRussia, and is not aimed against any other nation, alliance or third-party.

[1] eSerbia and eRussia agree on the principles of mutual cooperation and respect.

[2] eSerbia and eRussia agree that due to the everchanging nature of war on eRepublik it is necessary to further cement the friendship and cooperation of the aforementioned nations through a comprehensive non-aggression agreement.

[2.1] Both nations agree to respect each other’s territorial integrity and not to commit acts of aggression toward each other in any case, both by conventional means and by means of airstrike .
[2.2] Both nations agree not to fight against each other in resistance wars.

[3] eSerbia and eRussia agree to cooperate and coordinate on the diplomatic field in spheres of common interest to the common benefit of both countries.

[4] Both nations reserve the right to sign a mutual protection pact anytime in the future when it is considered mutually beneficial to the interests of both parties.

[5] To further ensure regional stability and mutual cooperation in Eastern Europe, eSerbia agrees to guarantee lasting peace between eRussia and eBelarus, with their respect of each other’s national interests as a priority, and non-aggression between these two countries,, who are held in high regard by the eSerbian community.

[6] The present declaration automatically renewed every month if parties don't announce otherwise; in case any of the parties wants the cancellation of this declaration at any time a 5 days notification in advance is required.

This is really suprised world stance because we all know that russia on eRepublik are friend of Brazil and USA and they are Sirius but Serbia are Asteria it mean they cant help USA and Brazil on direct war, Bulgaria who are his past friend on CoT are dissapointed too with this agreement..

Which side will he choose or will they remain neutral ??

Joined :: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/advance-3601/1

[Advance] Bottle Advance Project for new player and a baby..

And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Do you want to make your country better??


Black Whiter