[B&W Switzer]International Situations (Australia, Mexico, Brazil and Greece)

Day 2,321, 14:34 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, president of China and their teams and to my party president and other party members

I'm China MoFA-Journalist, and our president gave me permission to work here, i hope i can learn here before i go to Switzerland gov or Congress..

Good day to everyone,
This is my 13th article, usualy i will write 1 article per 2 days now i will tell you about Australia, Brazil, Mexico and Greece..

Enjoy your newspaper..


It started with a lot of optimism by having a senate by them but that faded pretty quickly as they decided to progress without renewing their NAP with chile..
Chile then handed their regions to Indonesia and Macedonia, mainly because Chile were under pressure by Indonesia..

Macedonia then were told to wipe their remaining region because they did not re-sign their NAP with Chile..

Their CP then left due to personal agreements with some of his cabinet, sadly Senate decided that Australia CP Cyber.Casper quitting the game was not Impeach worthy so the guy who was lined up to take over and came second in the CP elections decided he had had enough and also left..

Australia Foreign Affairs they’ve been busy this month and they made some MPP stack, on top of that they have been making new friends with Asgard..
Asteria sadly turned they down with regards to our application to LETO but Australia’ll try once more in a few weeks before giving up on LETO aplications..


Their eGov has decided to welcome all the citizens of allied nations, that are wiped down, or with little bonuses, to request Mexican CS, they will welcome their allies citizens that are on trouble of bonuses, because they want to help their friends..

If you are citizen from Mexico allied country, you can request Mexican CS and they will accept it with a warm welcome!!

Their goal is to aid those friends in trouble..

Also Mexico was top 3 in “National Shield Tournament” which means they will receive an extra 20% production for a few days. They will grant you a warm welcome and please enjoy what Mexico has to offer to their friends!!

If you are swiss you welcome to Mexico..


The current CP of eBrasil ,Nikola Tesla assumes all responsibility for difficulties and shortcomings that were faced, also recognizing the problems they face on several occasions, and ask Pakistan honorably his humble apology is accepted by Pakistan..

But not follow fighting for their pride and their homeland, and they will keep continue taking measures altruistic towards a greater good than just unilateral gains, because in addition to being an honorable country, are a brother and solidarity to all country.

So they will keep fighting on Argentina regions to get all his regions back and try to get Congress next month..


Military of Greece seems to be well, so say the least statistically.
If a serious future war enabled the various Hold can cause stress but they think the difficult time will not keep one..
Politically they are as always, In fact not much different from RL politics.

Characterizations thieves, hear them even in parliament and is perfectly normal, the final ones are the Greek society constitute the eGreece..

They are now still have regions from macedonia but are will starting cold war with eTurkey which mean soon maybe will start war with them they are friend in TWO when WW 6 (CoT vs TWO)..

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And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Do you want to make your country better??


Black Whiter