[B&W Switzer]History of eSwitzerland and Why We Must Respect our History ??

Day 2,318, 03:41 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter
PS :: Comment "Happy Birthday LucahFTM, wish you all the best", Shout and Vote this article will get 2 Q7 Weapon

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, president of China and their teams and to my party president and other party members

I'm China MoFA-Journalist, and our president gave me permission to work here, i hope i can learn here before i go to Switzerland gov or Congress..

Good day to everyone,
This is my 11th article, i will tell you about history of eSwitzerland and why we must respect our history..

PS :: We live in this world and eworld not only for ourself but for the other too..

So respect the other and care about the other, and thats the way you life well.. You should care about them and they will care about you, as simple as that.. How can you be a leader if no one support you, if you think your party is enough to support you its not, you need the other support too if you want to become leader even from an enemy..

I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation.. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world..

Remember history, because the history it will increase our knowledge and science. "Do not forget the history, because if we forget history it will be swayed by the vandals,"

Show in the world, if we can tighten the line, appreciate the precursor to continue the struggle. Unite our ranks will not disappoint figures predecessors, our teachers, our elders. "Show It!"

Respect your own history, as an advanced nation is a nation that respects its history

History of eSwitzerland from http://wiki.erepublik.com/

Early Wars
Early in the game (200😎, the France-Switzerland War was waged by forces of France and Italy against Switzerland. This ultimately led to Switzerland being erased from the map. The Swiss Independence War that began on December 4, 2008 led to Switzerland liberating Deutschschweiz and Svizzera italiana, reestablishing Switzerland on the map.

Soon after, in January 2009, Switzerland was PTO'd by Theocrats. This PTO, lead by Dio Brando, lasted until late July of 2009. Months later, Switzerland joined EDEN, although at times it was not official due to actions by the Swiss Neutrality Party. Switzerland was eventually suspended as a member due to inactivity.

Switzerland faced another PTO threat in the form of the Shaolins from early 2010 to August 2010. This group was supported by Clifford Burns and the Swiss Neutrality Party, so power flipped between the resistance coalition and the PTO group until Paul Proteus was elected in August.

Initial Slovenian Invasion
In April of 2011, Slovenia and the [Republic of Macedonia] invaded Switzerland. The nation remained occupied until May, when they joined Luna and freed Svizzera italiana for a short period. Switzerland remained occupied (although the R.o. Macedonia left in July, Slovenia took the regions for themselves) untl September, when president JNArno led talks with EDEN. With the help of sympathetic Croatian soldiers, Switzerland's regions went in and out of Swiss control until EDEN lost their influence in Europe. Later, president Borgogian signed the The Flying Dove Treaty, which meant friendship between the two countries. This caused an uproar within Switzerland, and led to many citizens emigrating out of the country.

Switch to ONE
In April of 2012, Switzerland aligned itself with ONE. This was met with invasions by Germany and Croatia. This ended when the Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia, and Poland took Croatia's regions. Macedonia ended up with the Swiss regions, and rented out Deutschschweiz for its iron afterwards. This ended in October when the USA invaded to get a border with Hungary, although they never actually warred against them, while Slovenia ended up with all of the Swiss regions.

Cronoss and CoT
While the USA-Macedonia war was being fought, Cronoss, a PTOer, came to Switzerland. His party of multis successful PTO'd Switzerland in March of 2013. While this threat has now mostly been taken care of, Cronoss and his party still reside in Switzerland today. Switzerland also around this time (non-Cronoss Switzerland) was a founding member of the Circle of Trust, a member of which it is still today.

World War VI
Switzerland in early June was the initial cause of World War VI, when an agreement with Slovenia ended and they would not give back Switzerland her regions. This led to the USA invasion of Serbia, and counter invasions by many TWO countries. Slovenia ended up wiping Switzerland again. Switzerland at this point was still under the PTO threat of Cronoss (now known as The Troll Warlord) and a new, questionable group of Hungarians who immigrated illegally, and followed up with rapid increases in Swiss citizenship likely due to the creation of multi-accounts (more than 50 of which were deleted in elections around this time).

On October 19 2013, Switzerland won a resistance war in Graubunden thanks to organization of military units from around Circle of Trust by President Alexandre Walen now is LucasFTM. After the successful war (fought after a couple of months of unsuccessful Slovenian NAP's), Walen revealed a secret plan made with Canada (then new member of CoT) to rent Alberta[1]. He proposed an airstrike (and won with no congress to vote in favor or opposition) and Switzerland won the region. This event is nicknamed the "Graub-und-Run", as it sounds like both "Graubunden" and "Grab-and-Run" (as Switzerland "grabbed" Graubunden and "ran" to Alberta), after former President Paul Proteus suggested the term on IRC.

The Swiss president who served the most terms was President Monsieur Guillontine, with 5 terms. President Eleriel, with 4, comes second. Third with 3 terms comes President Dio Brando (TNS), President Rican, and President chukcha. Presidents with 2 terms include President DomiBoss (TNS), President Clifford Burns, President Walther Rathenau, President Paul Proteus, President JNArno (although his first term was ended quickly with an impeachment), President Hale Kane, and President Trogdorthetroll100. The president with the most consecutive terms is President Dio Brando of the Theocratic Nation of Switzerland, with 3 consecutive terms.

Quote :: Good leader is the leader not always lead but make and train other people to become his successor..

Do you want to make your country better??

Joined :: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/advance-3601/1

[Advance] Bottle Advance Project for new player and a baby..

And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.


Black Whiter