[B&W]Great Nation Is A Nation That Honors Its Heroes Services - Free 2 Tank

Day 2,316, 10:40 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter
PS :: Comment "Hail Switzerland", Shout and Vote this article will get 2 Q7 Weapon

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, president of China and their teams and to my party president and other party members

I'm China MoFA-Journalist, and our president gave me permission to work here, i hope i can learn here before i go to Switzerland gov or Congress..

Good day to everyone,
This is my 10th article, i will say clearly about my opinion regarding Switzerland Internal problem.. We should end this..

In every fight, you will always said that you are right and the other is wrong, but in the other hand the other side is will said he is right and you are wrong..
And thats all are usualy on debate, politic, or discussion..

The important thing is you need to respect each other, what you must to do is show them that you are right and the other is must show them they are wrong using evidence.. I always said that i'm the man that always using Presumtions of Innocent before i find by my self the evidence that they are cannot argue anymore..

Its just a prologue what i want to tell you is about how you love your country..
And how to make switzerland more better..

PS ::Forget about the babyboom for a while, i closed all of my thread post on forum you can check by all link that i post on article.. Until i found by my self what exactly happen now, i dont want to be fooled by this thing anymore.. Its really sad

Great nation is a nation that honors its heroes services, think it by yourself how can eSwitzerland still exist right now even have some friends and make treaty respected by his enemy and freidns and allies and even not under infuence of other country? Its because or heroes service, i can ask you clearly where are you when switzerland need you in the past, maybe still not join here, maybe you are still dont care, maybe you are in your past eCountry and maybe you are still dead citizen like me.. But Our heroes in the past are here that time they do what they need to do they serve as hard as they could to our country.. Thats why you need to respect old player, respect is different than become a doll of our heroes, a doll is always do what they say but respect is do what you want by yourself and arguing with a good words when he different than your opinion.. Tell them what you need and want to say, show them that not only them who care about this country but you too..

As simple as that..

Unity that made by ​the heroes that need to be guarded, all of you must not insult or denigrate the other party, the other tribes, and cultures of our friends that diverse, you have to unite under the banner of swiss and mutual respect and care for the others..

Hail Switzerland

We must continue to look in the mirror to the hero and the historical struggles that have been engraved. And the struggle we will face the need to fight that reflect the spirit of our heroes when going for independence. No word pessimistic, but we have to be optimistic that this nation can equal, even greater than other countries anywhere in the world.

As a citizen of switzerland i respect our heroes and older people, you need to guide us so we can leading switzerland in the future..

7 Step How to Love your Country and how to make your country more better..
1. Be an active citizen.. Actively demonstrate your love for your country by being part of its political process.. Continually strive for a better country for all!!

2. Study the history of your country. What are some of the great things people have done and how they showed their love of their country?? What are some of the things people have done with good intentions but poor results?? Learn from your country's history -- both the good times and the bad times.

3. Focus on current events. For example, focus on what is also going on in the world as a whole and how your country is involved in it as well.

4. Read and learn stories, tall tales, and patriotic legends of your country. You will be amazed with such the creativity and imagination of those who wrote or thought up them.

5. Respect your coutry hero. Someone who represents your country, and is a good role model for you. One who will make you proud to be where you call home. Don't forget that whatever they do now they have a past and their past they give all to their country, thats why you must respect them.. There's no you without him, there's no more Switzerland without him..

6. Wear patriotic colors. Nothing shows you love your country more than showing it through clothing or accessories! Dont show only your party, race, country in RL or etc but show them your country colour..

7. Fly a flag. You can use a flags or any other emblems on your article, avatar, or newspaper that can outwardly show you respect your country.. Remember to treat the flag with the utmost respect..

Do you want to make your country better??

Joined :: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/advance-3601/1

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And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.


Black Whiter