[ANPP-Cuba] Control Político AA a Dinamarca/AS to Denmark's Political Control.

Day 2,537, 23:24 Published in Cuba North Korea by Demonaire
(La siguiente es una publicación de un ciudadano cubano ejerciendo como miembro de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba. Por esta publicación no se entenderá que este periódico es el boletín oficial de la Asamblea sino que solo presta su espacio para el ejercicio de derechos políticos. Y tampoco se entenderá que representa el sentir general de la Asamblea, sino solo la opinión del miembro que hace la publicación)

Cordial Saludo a todos los camaradas cubanos.

El presente artículo es la segunda publicación que se hace para informarle a la ciudadanía cubana sobre las propuestas populares, legislativas o gubernamentales y sobre los controles políticos que se presentan en el Foro Nacional Cubano (el cual es considerada una institución legítima) con el fin de abrir un nuevo espacio político de discusión y proposición en Cuba dentro de eRepublik, adicional al que se presenta en el foro ya mencionado.

El asunto que nos ocupa en este artículo es el control político que la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba le hace al Gobierno Felpudon sobre el ataque aéreo que se hizo a Dinamarca, al cual pueden acceder siguiendo este enlace: http://erepublikcuba.foroactivo.com/t720p15-gente-contra-el-as. Las imagenes que se muestran a continuación, sin embargo, fueron editadas únicamente en aspectos técnicos para mayor facilidad de lectura y su contenido no fue alterado de ninguna manera.

De existir nuevos mensajes al respecto, se actualizara el artículo.


Al nacer en Cuba o adquirir la ciudadanía cubana, de inmediato adquiere el estatus de miembro de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular en Cuba, el cual tiene los siguientes funciones dadas por la Constitución Nacional:

Así pues, para hacer proposiciones o controles políticos en pos de la mejora de la sociedad cubana, usted puede:

+ Hacer un artículo en su periódico con su proposición o debate de control político. Si esta tiene que ver con una ley que se lanza dentro de eRepublik (como impuestos, donaciones en dinero al Banco Central de Cuba, salario mínimo, destitución presidencial, etc.) y se ha surtido el debido debate en los comentarios de dicho artículo durante un tiempo prudencial (por costumbre internacional se ha hecho entre 24 y 72 horas), los congresistas o el presidente estarán facultados para lanzar la respectiva ley, pudiendo citar su artículo en el enlace "Área de Debate" de dicha ley.

+ Hacer un artículo abriendo la votación para su proposición, esto en los casos donde su propuesta no requiera la aplicación forzosa dentro de eRepublik y con la condición de que la propuesta ya haya sido publicada en primer lugar en su periódico y la misma haya sido debatida en un tiempo prudencial (de 24 a 72 horas). Si la votación es afirmativa mayoritariamente, tendrá fuerza de ley.

+ Inscribirse como ciudadano en el Foro Nacional de Cuba para participar en el espacio dedicado a la Asamblea Nacional y así lanzar propuestas, debatirlas y votarlas.


Demonaire Rai
Parlamentario de la República de Cuba
Miembro de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de la República de Cuba

(The following text is a release from a Cuban citizen, serving as a member of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba. This publication does not mean that this journal is the official journal of the Assembly but only provides a space for exercise of political rights. nor is understood that represents the overall members of the Assembly, but only the views of the member who made ​​this publication)

Best Regards to all Cuban comrades.

This article is the second publication made to inform the public about popular, government and legislative proposals, and and political controls that appear in the Cuban National Forum (which is considered a legitimate institution) to open a new political space for discussion and proposition in Cuba in eRepublik, besides the aforementioned forum.

The issue before us in this article is the political control that the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba does to the Felpudon's Government about the airstrike over Denmark, which can be accessed by following this link: http://erepublikcuba.foroactivo.com/t720p15-gente-contra-el-as. The images below, however, were edited only in technical aspects for ease of reading and its content was not altered in any way.

If there are new messages in this proposal, the article will be updated. For instant translate, you can copypaste the quoted link in Google Translator to obtain a translated page of the political control topic.


When you born in Cuba or acquire Cuban citizenship, immediately also acquires the status of a member of the National Assembly of Popular Power in Cuba, which has the following functions given by the Constitution:


The National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba

12. The National Assembly is the reunion of all Cuban citizens.

13. A regulation issued by the same Assembly shall establish its working mechanisms and internal management.

14. It is the responsibility of the National Assembly:

14.1. The adoption of organic laws underlying the state.

14.2. The ratification of laws passed by Congress that have no ingame application.

14.3. The approval and ratification of adherence to international treaties.

14.4. The approval and ratification of treaties of peace.

14.5. The approval and ratification of nonaggression pacts proposed by the Government.

14.6. Ratification of major economic, military, social or any other type plans, which involve a large impact at the time of approval or in the future, on cuban citizenship or the state.

14.7. Approval of the Rules of the Cuban Armed Forces.

14.8. The removal of any member of the government, except that of President.

15. The National Assembly shall supervise the government and Congress.

16. The National Assembly shall have the right of veto, by approval of two-thirds of the votes cast on the laws and decisions issued by the Congress and the government that did not require ratification by the National Assembly.



Warranties and constitutional reform

29. The National Assembly shall serve as the guarantor of the Constitution on all public institutions. Those matters not regulated by law shall be subject to decision and regulation thereof.

30. The constitutional reform solely responsible to the National Assembly.

31. The total constitutional reform or those that include preliminary Title or Title I shall have prior approval by a qualified majority of two thirds of the votes cast at the beginning of its reform process. The final reform of its provisions shall be adopted by simple majority.

32. The partial constitutional reform that did not include the Preliminary Title or Title I proposal will be discussed and approved by an absolute majority of the votes cast.

Hence, for making law proposals or political controls directed towards the improvement of Cuban society, you can:

+ Make an article in his newspaper with his proposition. If this has to do with an eRepublik in-game bill (such as taxes, grants of money to the Central Bank of Cuba, minimum wage, impeachment, etc.) and has had adequate discussion in the comments of that article for a reasonable time (for international practice has been between 24 and 72 hours), Congressman or the President shall be entitled to launch the correspondent bill and can quote your article in the "Debate Area" of the Act.

+ Make an article, opening votation for your proposal, if is for create an out-game law and provided that the proposal has already been first published in his newspaper and has been discussed within a reasonable time (24-72 hours). If the votation results in an affirmative majority, the proposal will have force of law.

+ Register as a citizen in the National Forum on Cuba to participate in the space devoted to the National Assembly and launch proposals, discuss yours and other people ones and vote them.


Demonaire Rai
Congressman of the Republic of Cuba
Member of the National Assembly of People's Power of the Republic of Cuba