[9/11] The Walking Memories

Day 2,487, 04:32 Published in USA Ireland by Thomas Killah

*I am posting this article by AlexanderAtem so that all Americans may see this article*

This is how we remember our past...This is how we Safeguard our Future

As 9/11 is being re-lived through our memories--I ask the nation, and the communities to give a moment of silence...from the time you read this Article--until the end of the Article. We fight for Justice, for Peace, for Democracy--nonetheless we stand United. We stand Together--because we know that this tragic scar of ours, makes us stronger in the end. It shows the world, what our true colors really mean.

September 11, 2001-- A.K.A. 9/11...I’ll never forget it. It was the year when those terrorist attack the Twin Towers in New York City. Soon after the news was out to the whole world revealing that it was the fault of a double attack of an aerial mobility tactic-- conducted by the Global, Decentralized Terrorist Network: Al-Qaeda. Innocent Civilians--jumping from the towers, citizens from the bottom levels of the Building scurrying to run for their freedom, and many traumatized from this abhorrent attack in US soil were either left standing, or ran-- as ashes, and debris fell from the sky. Not taking any chances the President of The United States of America; ordered a Contingency Plan--to take the fight towards the Terrorist! With the whole affair going public...the United States Government issued an indefinite suspension of truce, within the attacking organization. Soon American soldiers were being shipped, to the foreign country--and for all intents and purpose the Al-Qaeda was Finished - after its leader was killed from Operation Cobra ofc.-

Thirteen years have passed since that horrendous incident...and America Flourished Economically, Technologically--and in both Domestic & Foreign Affairs. The country never looked better! Business have been booming, Education has escalated, and majority of the citizens are once again at peace. However this mark placed on us--the people, and the Mainland had scarred us indefinitely, however it hasn’t taken away the Ideological spirit of the American Life; and Dream. America as we know it, is not the same as it was in 2001. America as we know it, has changed for the good, for the people of the country--for this country, for those who believed in Justice, and Democracy. America will stand, and America will prevail in any situation at hand.

Obama "will pursue a comprehensive strategy...and support for the forces combating ISIL on the ground-- both the opposition in Syria and a new, inclusive Iraqi government," said a statement from the White House, according to USA Today. Obama also says that the U.S. will lead a “broad coalition” whose objective is to “degrade and ultimately destroy” the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. "But I want the American people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” he says. “It will not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil. This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground.”

This country has sacrificed so much--the population can account for its diversity, its social classes, and variety of freedoms placed on its citizen from the time they are born. We are responsible for our future, for our families, that are at home, for our children, and the next generation. And so; it is in our right, our duty to help serve our country in any way--in any form; For that America has done so much for millions, It is time that we give a thanks, and a prayer For America itself, and those who have fallen for this Glorious country. Although many can be skeptical, about defining it “Glorious”. America has owns one fact, that it cannot be true in majority of the world countries: and that is Freedom. If we are born in America with Freedom as natural-born citizens, then it must be in our nature, from the God above, to help those who are in need of Freedom, as being an American is not a privilege, but a right. We as a society are thrusted into this dystopian community, but as humans, we are tended to fit, as we see; we are tended to help those who are in need of help; we are wanting to change what is in need of change. This correlates with our core beliefs as Americans, and returns back to what our country has done for us. Join the rest of the country, for giving thanks, and prayers...for those who have died, for those who protect our nation from threat, from those who are across the seas. It is our duty to so. As Americans, of the United States of America, or from any other communities. Let us Officially have a moment of Silent………

As I near the end of this Article, I would like to thank those who have read, commented, and perhaps Subscribed. I knew many whose parents, have died in the various attacks of 9/11. The stories are horrendous--yet they tell us who we are as a nation. I for one, am glad to be an American, an despite our Government’s recent action; I am happy that that they are taking every step of consideration for the benefits of us--the citizens, and our allies; and will do anything they can to make America and it’s allies prevail in this fight for Freedom, and Justice. “This is how we remember our past...This is how we Safeguard our Future.” May God Bless us--and May God Bless The United States of America!

-Alexander Atem
