[國際消息] 11件毀了eRepublik的事

Day 1,600, 02:18 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Soultama
原文作者 : Nikola Tabakovski
This is my first article in English. I'll name 11 things that I can't stand in eRepublik and may ruin the whole game.

1. Playing with real life money. Many players do it, but it's too much. Big money are spent in the game and the players who do it called tanks are just too strong for the rest and the sense of playing in these conditions disappears. I can't find any reason to spend big money in such a game, but many players can and it's unacceptable.
1. 用RL錢玩遊戲。很多玩家都這樣做,可是人數太多了。投放很多錢的玩家都叫做大坦,他們對於大部份玩家來說都太強了,讓人失去在這種情況繼續玩的意義。我找不到在這遊戲裡裡花大錢的原因,不過很多玩家都這樣做,我覺得這是難以接受。

2. Too many multiple accounts. This is motivated by the fact that i saw two Greek players with 16 or 17 "Society builder" medals who are still in the game. I've seen many other players with unreal number of such medals, but all those are banned. I can't believe that someone can convince 170 people to play eRepublik and to reach level 10. The admins should investigate these players and many others who have many "Society builder" medals.
2. 多重帳號太多。會覺得這是一個原因是我看到兩個希臘玩家擁有16或17個Society Builder獎牌,而他們仍然能繼續玩。我看到不少其他的玩家擁有不合理的Society Builder獎牌,不過他們都被封號了。我不能相信有人能說服170個人玩eRepublik和達到10級。Admin應該調查這幾個和其他擁有很多Society Builder獎牌的玩家。

3. Too many players who change the passports. In my opinion, this trend started when Greece disappeared from the map. Many Greek players begged for Chinese passports and got them. Now the most of them still play as Chinese because of the resources that China has. Also, there are many players from the Balkan countries with American passports just for bigger production which American resources allow.
3. 太多玩家更換國藉。我覺得這股移民潮是當希臘在地圖上消失的時候開始的。當時很多希臘玩家乞求一本中國護照,而他們也拿到了。現在,他們當中有很多人仍然在中國,因為中國擁有大量的資源。而且,有很多從巴爾幹(Balkan)的玩家只是為了更大的生產力而去拿美國的護照。

4. Buying votes. Today we have elections for CP, but this is for the Congress elections. The most of the Congress members are there because of their activities of buying votes. I'm not gonna accuse them, I just want to name it as a factor that makes this game look more similar to the real life.
4. 買票。今天,我們有總統選舉,不過這個原因是寫給國會選舉的。很多國會議員是因為買票而當上的。我並不是在責難他們,我只是想列出這個使遊戲變得像RL的因素。

5. Resistance War medals. Many players, especially from Macedonia play the game just for these Resistance Wars and they have big advantage of catching them because many of them use a script as a google document that tells them where to go to catch a resistance war and another script that catches the resistance wars automatically. If you don't have these documents or maybe optical Internet connection, don't try to catch a resistance war.
5. 起義戰(RW)獎章。很多玩家,尤其是從馬其頓(Macedonia),只是為了起義戰而玩這隻遊戲。他們擁有拿牌的優勢,因為他們使用像google document的script,這個script告訴他們哪裡有起義戰,同時使用另一個script去幫他們自動拿獎章。如果你沒有這些文件,或是沒有光纖網絡,不要嘗試去搶起義戰獎章。

6. Plato's changes. The older players should write more about this, but the most of them agree that eRepublic was more interesting game one or two years ago than it is at the moment.
6. Plato的改變(按:Plato就是負責吃貨的雞)。老玩家應該多寫一些關於這個改變的事,不過他們很多人認為,eRepublik在一兩年前比現在是一隻更有趣的遊戲。

7. BH hunters. Many players play just to catch those medals (BH & CH). They are not too interested about their country's wars, they just play for BH. All of us can notice it in many accounts, sentences like "Don't try to steal my BH, I have many bazookas" and many of them have a picture of someone who tried to steal their BH medal, but "the hero" won the BH race.
7. BH獵人。很多玩家只是為了拿BH和CH而玩遊戲。他們對國家的戰事不感興趣,他們為了BH而玩。我們可以在很多帳號(按:應該是指個人簡介)注意到一些句子像「不要嘗試偷走我的BH,我的火箭炮很多」,和有一張某某嘗試搶他的BH章,可是「英雄」嬴了這場搶章比賽。

8. Consequences to real life. Many players who are fully into the game may transfer the hate from the game into the real life. It's possible only in the Balkans where the players look too seriously to the game.
8. 對RL的影響。不少很投入的玩家會將他們在遊戲裡的怨恨轉移到RL裡。當玩家像巴爾幹人一樣過份認真地玩的時候,這就可能發生。

9. Big difference in the centers of power in the map. All we know which are the strongest countries in the game - Serbia, Croatia, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria etc. Other strong countries are USA, China, Macedonia, Greece, Indonesia etc. Slovenia has without doubt the best diplomacy and good location for European conditions. As we can see, the center of power is in the Balkans. Here we must fight hard and make amazingly big damages to win a single battle and somewhere in Iran or India the whole campaigns are won with less damage than a single battle here. The epic wars are Rep.of Macedonia vs Greece and Serbia vs Croatia. Bulgaria vs Turkey has the potential to become another epic war without an end.
9. 各區的火力差異。我們都知道這隻遊戲裡面最強的國家 - 塞爾維亞(Serbia),克羅地亞(Croatia),波蘭(Poland),土耳其(Turkey),保加利亞(Bulgaria)等等。其他的強國像是美國,中國,馬其頓,希臘(Greece),印尼(Indonesia)等等。斯洛文尼亞無可置疑地擁有在歐洲中最好的外交關係和地理位置。一如我們所見,火力區(按:應該是指歐洲的情況)位於巴爾幹。在這裡,我們需要打到要死要活和造出令人驚訝的高傷害去嬴一場戰役,而某些如伊朗(Iran)或是印度(India)的地方,嬴取整場戰事所需的傷害比在這裡嬴一場戰役來得少。馬其頓對希臘和塞爾維亞對克羅地亞都是史詩式的戰爭。而保加利亞對土耳其有機會變得另一場無止境的史詩式戰爭。

10. Too many spams.
10. 太多垃圾郵件。

11. Too many bugs.
11. 太多漏洞。

I hope you agree with me about the most of the noticed facts. If you like this article, subscribe and vote. Also, you can shout it to help me catch the mm medal as soon as possible.

