Is There No One Else

Day 6,014, 09:38 Published in USA USA by Stormin EwokJedi

Well, well, well, isn't this just a carnival of absurdity we've been witnessing in the game lately? It's like we've collectively decided to take a sledgehammer to the very concept of fun and smash it into smithereens. We can point fingers at Plato till the cows come home, but this whole scenario feels like a scene straight out of Nietzsche's playbook, with us proclaiming, "God is dead. We killed him. Now what?"

We've essentially turned this game into a playground for power-hungry puppeteers. The sheep among us just stand by while the King of Snakes and his lackeys run amok, pulling strings in all the Trade Wars and cozying up with foreign like-minded powers. They're having their little victory dances over battles they've rigged so shamelessly it's like beating a first-grade basketball team and calling it a triumph.

And now, to add a cherry on top of this ludicrous cake, we've got bots scribbling out battle plans like they're the latest military strategists. We currently have a bot writing daily battle orders and the ultimate hypocrite Dom as Prime Minster who was the original “fake” bot hunter.

Don't even get me started on BSP selling their soul to blindly support their former most hated player in the game who they went on and on about being corrupt for YEARS or WTP following orders like obedient puppies.

But hey, enough griping. Let's focus on solutions.

What should we do

Being proud of defeating CODE/Croatia is truly pathetic. The eUS has openly cheated its way to victory with the moral pretext of, “they did it first”. Shame on all of us for tolerating this.
Without bots, battles would be interesting, everyone would be needed again, and the map would be wild and FUN.

Leave Asteria
Everyone is joining, it’s huge, and it’s lopsided, creating a complete lack of competition
This is a game, if it’s not competitive, what the hell are we doing?

Stop accepting the status quo. Seriously, who is having fun watching a few cheaters control the country while you do little to nothing?

So what would this look like? We’d need the Fed leaders to actually fight, we’d need us all to fight. Currently, we don’t because the bots handle most of the fighting. We’d be a small nation having to use teamwork again to fight off the enemy hordes. It would be hard, fun, frustrating, and a GAME worth playing.

But you know what we won't do? Anything. Yup, we've reached peak apathy and laziness. The cheaters have free rein; we're all just spectators in our own demise. It's like watching paint dry but with less excitement.

The apathy and laziness have built up so much that the cheaters have no competition and no reason to change how they play. They play for themselves and their cabal, not you the majority of the players. It will be a few more years of zero domestic anything, and zero media from administrations (Danger’s term was beyond boring and we are already off to Owl’s 4th painfully boring term in the last 7 terms).

So, unless someone grows a backbone and shakes things up, we're in for more of the same: zero excitement, zero rivalries, and zero reason to stick around. This game was far more entertaining when even the likes of Groot were still playing. More players equals more fun. The current path leads to more people leaving which is why we…not Plato…are killing this game.

- Stormin EwokJedi