Cossacks Top 5 Struggle Situation

Day 796, 16:02 Published in Russia Russia by The Cossacks HeadQuarters

It was a very hard night at Cossacks Headquarters. We - Ataman Raymond Cheung and esauls mogaba and dus_led argued for several hours, fought several times, drank a lot, understood each other but didn't agree. Here is what it was about.

We struggled for getting into top 5 for many days. Some alliances were discussed, alliance with our old friends Macedonians was accepted. We did our best to stay in top 5. And we couldn't expect how much we will be puzzled and angry when we do get into it.

The reason is that in the last moment kapushon, sedoy, illuzia_intellecta and Dimssele joined the party and we can't be sure that they didn't bring bots. The worse is that I, Raymond Cheung, was not cautious enough and this company succeeded in placing rogue candidates, which can't be kicked out. Because Party President can't kick out candidates if less than two were nominated in the region.

What should Cossacks do in this situation? - that was the question we almost killed each other for.

I Raymond Cheung, denied request to allow Dimssele run (the only one I can ban) and hope that the rogues will leave us. If not, screw them.

dus_led and mogaba are more radical. They suggest Cossacks temporarily leave the party.

It's up to you Cossacks to decide what to do. But please take a minute to think about it and make the decision that is right.


PS: Cossacks, visit party forum! We are distributing roles in our new projects! Take your share!