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Against the Party Clubs

21 Ziua 1,152, 15:59 Publicat în Canada Canada

Against the Party Clubs

What immeditately follows is a transcript of a conversation with a Party Recruiter, informing that particular party (names ommitted so as not to lead the reader to imagine there is but one problematic party in … citește în continuare »

What you see, what you believe.

14 Ziua 1,151, 18:28 Publicat în Canada Canada

What you see : What you believe : A MYSTERY.

Clap !
Clap !
Clap !

...Goes three applauding, in perfect unanimity : Spiced so softly with a wonderfully comforting diversity.

Come then thirty ;

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Old Spice Man on Womens e-Issues, and e-Death.

12 Ziua 1,016, 10:15 Publicat în Canada Canada


I should explain my recent absence : In the last 14 hours I have rescued a litter of little, orange and white … citește în continuare »

Old Spice Man Teaches You E-conomics

15 Ziua 1,015, 09:04 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello ladies.

First. If your man hasn't read my last article[/citește în continuare »

Old Spice Man for President

44 Ziua 1,014, 13:14 Publicat în Canada Canada

~~~ " Only I am on a horse. No one else is on a horse. Or a boat for that matter." ~~~
- Old Spice Man

OLD SPICE MAN'S Platform citește în continuare »