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For the people who said Brazil was a better option then the Hun contract

25 Ziua 1,147, 15:45 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

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Champinator or Grimstone?

43 Ziua 1,141, 14:00 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Tomorrow we will have country president elections, the first free elections in over six months. The citizen of South Africa will have the choice of two candiates [url=http:// … citește în continuare »

The burden of leadership

28 Ziua 1,140, 06:35 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Anybody can become president in erepublik, keep you head down enough to get not into too much trouble and keep your head enough up to get noticed by being active on the … citește în continuare »

Ey Shiloh!

7 Ziua 1,131, 14:57 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Thanks for the Christmas present


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It was the best of times,

0 Ziua 1,131, 03:58 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times,

it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness,

it was the epoch of belief,
it was the epoch of incredulity,

it was the season of Light,
it was the season of … citește în continuare »