Wywiad z prezydentem eRosji [WYDANIE SPECJALNE]

Day 2,778, 11:05 Published in Poland Poland by Trask222

Witam serdecznie wszystkich obywateli ePolski !
Tym razem, korzystając z okazji iż mamy MPP z eRosją, postanowiłem zrobić mały wywiad z prezydentem eFR. Przede wszystkim chciałbym pokazać Wam, że w eRepublik nasze kraje potrafią być naprawdę w dobrych stosunkach. Moja inicjatywa pojawiła się także z tego powodu, że ostatnio w prasie nie ma jakoś sporo ciekawych tematów - myślę, że ten wam się spodoba 🙂
Q - pytanie A - odpowiedź

1. Q: What is your real life name?
A: My name is Ilya.

2. Q: What do you do in real life (school/job/hobbies) ?
A: I am a lawyer, working in massmedia.

3. Q: When did you start playing eRepublik?
A: It was December, 2009, wow, it has been almost 6 years already).

4. Q: Did someone tell you about this game?
A: Well, since it was so long ago, I don't think it has any importance today. But I found a link in a blog of some dude active by that time.

5. Q: How do you remember your first time in eRepublik?
A: It was incredible. It was a completely different game, much deeper and more intresting. Memory of those golden times and simple habit are the only things keeping me here after all these years.

6. Q: Did you ever use real life money to get something in this game?
A: I used to do that a lot some years ago and I am still a platinum customer, however, I quit spending.

7. Q: Did you ever think about leaving eRepublik once and for all? Did you have such bad moments?
A: Well, yes, there were months when I haven't even logged in once. However, I like our community, met many people from eRussia in real life and hanging out with them makes me keep returning to the game time after time.

8. Q: What is your opinion about eRussia from the past and now?
A: That's not a question one can answer shortly, I suppose. What I love most about eRussian community (while it might be fair for other countries too), we may have bitter internal political conflicts, but when it comes to defending our own, Russia stands united. This ability to stand united with your opponent, knowing that "he is son of a bitch, but he is OUR son of a bitch" is something I've never seen in other games.

9. Q: Do you think your community can still go up and up without people like you?
A: Our community has a lot of great personalities, so I think it will be fine as long as the game keeps going.

10. Q: What do you think about the internal situation of eRussia?
A: Well, again it is hard to sum things like this to one short answer. It is pretty stable :3 We are fighting a war together at the moment and it's a really unifying factor. However, I see some summertime apathy among eRussian establishment.

11. Q: What do you think about russian-polish relationship (in-game)?
A: We've been both friends and enemies throughout the game. What I like about Poland is that it was always pretty straightforward. It used to be an honest and powerful enemy. By now there have been periods of cooperation and alignment between two countries and Poland has been a good reliable partner. I can only value that.

12. Q: Do you believe that ePoland and eRussia can be good partners in common foreign policy?
A: As I can see our regional and probably global interests do pretty much correspond, so I don't see why not.

13. Q: What is your personal opinion about ePoland? Since you started playing eRepublik.
A: I respect ePoland. As I said, you've been a powerful old opponent when I started playing. Having you as a partner now is cool. We, the inventors of vodka should stick together 😃

14. Q: Does eRussia do any BabyBooms (like memes) to get more players from Russia? If yes, does it work?
A: Well, today it's a general opinion that the game at its current state isn't worth inviting more people 🙂. So, there are some private initiatives for referral purposes from time to time, but on the eGovernment level, Ministry of Demography is focusing on keeping players rather than inviting. In early eRussian years we've had a couple of baby-booms from major Russian IT forum, which resulted in interesting demography of that time - there were many smart people and also a plenty of cheater and hackers 🙂


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