WRP PP candidacy

Day 2,668, 12:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


This article will be much shorter than previous,I"ll hope 😉.In this article I am going to announce my candidacy for WRP PP elections which is going to happen in the couple of days.

Firstly I want to congratulate longterm PP of WRP Huey George on welldone job for the leadership of the Party,as with him WRP Party achieved what other Parties in UK hadn"t achieved.
Personnaly I am proud of being member of WRP the fine and respectfull UK Party.I"ve found for myself in WRP something that I"ve been looking for long ago.The friendly enviroment,consistency and conherency which I have to admitt hadn"t have for quite along.Democracy in WRP is on higher level,respecting each voice and eagerness
to be part of the WRP Party.All decisions which had been in the past and even now brougth by Huey George as PP,firstly needed it approval of every member of WRP.All members from the lower level to those higher and experienced are heard and every their proposal is and were constructive and approved.

If I"ll be the Party President of the Workers Right Party,I"ll continue to lead the Party from where dear Huey stopped,by listening every proposal,every decision made it by every member.The Party WRP need new leaders eager to get involved in UK politics,not been affraid to bring their ideas for the betterment of the Party.

Every new member of the Workers Right Party should and have to be included in the UK politics,to fight for his ideas,beliefs,to improve his political carreer in the WRP.WRP valuing all good things,ideas and working for all members without exceptions.WRP are for their member helping them to find himself in WRP.

In this circumstances in which is eUK,such is this Dictatorship and currently under Dictator Wayne,WRP offering help for the better of all UK citizenry.
WRP had and still have some great names of the members who are in the current Goverment giving assistance in various Ministeries and other Goverment roles.
WRP will continue to help and be part of UK society giving opportunities to each and every member to find his way of political life in UK.

All decisions which will be bring either from the membership or from Party Presidency will be in democraticly way decided.

Country Presidential elections are crucial for every Party as well as for the Workers Right Party.In WRP everyone has right to candidate himself for CP.
WRP promote fairness,decency and transparency in all decisions,actions which will be for the benefit of UK.WRP will continue to give all the best assisting in every field wheather it"s militarily,financially or politicly giving their members to the various goverment roles.WRP will support own candidate for Country Presidency elections rather to endorse from other Party,but that doesn"t mean if WRP hadn"t have or will not have own candidate for the CP elections,that will give endorsment to the right candidate who will be respectfull,strong and experienced as well to be considerable to all in UK valuing the public opinion,working with Congress as well as working with Dictator.

If I"ll get elected as the Party President of the Workers Right Party I"ll be working for the members and be for the members.Being the President of the Workers Right Party are huge responsibility and obligation to be with the members,to listen their wishes,thougts,suggestions valuing each member opinion.I"ll be the voice,hears and eyes of the members and considerable to all.
Personally I don"t have any high hopes that I"ll win the Party Presidency elections,but all I can and will promise my own dedication for the job which I will be daily working.

Till the next article,yours Director&editor of "THE BRITISH GUARDIAN
Aleksandar-Alex V.Popovic