Winner of the Shameless Plug Award for Best Article (SPABA)

Day 444, 23:28 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

This week's polling brought us the battle of the shameless tabloid versus the encyclopaedic primer.
In the end, the Shameless Plug Award for Best Article of the Week goes to:
drum roll

"Breaking News: Zanalan Is Not Real" - by Augustus Baldwin of The Guns of August.

The final results came down to a single vote, leaving Augustus Baldwin with 9 votes over Phineas Gage's 8. Later polling suggests a wider margin may have been possible if people hadn't waited until Friday to read the forum (joking!).

Latest Polling Results:
1. "Breaking News: Zanalan Is Not Real" - by Augustus Baldwin 41% [ 13 ]
2. "The n00b Guide: Part Deux – New World holistically" - by Phineas Gage 29% [ 9 ]
3. "Presidential Elections: Part II" - by Dominik 12% [ 4 ]
4. "To Canada: The Time is NOW!" - by Alias Vision 9% [ 3 ]
5. "3 Things I Wish I'd Known" - by Azzeriath 6% [ 2 ]

Shortly after the results were in, Augustus Baldwin shared a few words with The Shameless Plug:

SP:"You’ve won the Shameless Plug Award for Best Article. What would you like to say to your supporters?"
AB: "I'd like to thank them for the encouragement. But most of all I want to give a shout out to Satan, without him I would have never been able to accomplish everything I have and won this award. Praise Satan."

SP: "Did anything in particular inspire you to write the winner of the SPABA?"
AB: "Hatred. Pettiness. Jackassery. Facts. There are so many things that inspire me to do the things I do. Those four just happen to be what inspired me this time."

SP: "Is there anything that annoys you the most the when you read some articles?"
AB: "Yes, a lack of Augustus Baldwin. There is one requirement for a winning article: Me. It must be written by me or mention me. I mean, look at the runner up in this weeks contest, it only mentioned me once. Close Phineas, but not enough Augustus. I am awesome. That is all."

Yes, shameless indeed...though perhaps deserving, since it is rumoured that Augustus Baldwin's latest article "Revealations About the Canadian Social Democrats" has been short-listed for this week's coming SPABA nomination. Other rumours suggesting that AB generously doubled the SPABA prize to 150CAD in order to secure his next nomination are as yet unfounded. Nonetheless, for his concerted efforts to undermine political support for the CSD and our newly re-elected Prime Minister Zanalan, Augustus has been honoured with an additional SPA for Shameless Agitation:

Did you say you want more Best Article polling? Well then, nominees for this week's SPABA (Feb. 1 - Feb. 7) will be revealed Sunday, Feb. 8. So far ten articles have been short-listed and selections for the Final Five are being deliberated upon.

Would you like to be involved in the process? PM Plugson about participating in the next big thing since Q1 lotteries. As it is, we're looking for a SPABA judge to fill a holiday vacancy in this month.

That concludes this week's SPABA presentation.
Bringing you the best of the readable, rousing, and at times responsible writers of eCanada.
cue red carpet fanfare