Wingmen and Gift Buddies

Day 697, 20:16 Published in Ireland Ireland by H.S Thompson

To the Warriors of the Emerald Isle:

It's a pleasure to be among such esteemed brutes; whether more brutish than esteemed, it matters not, for we'll fight our fight shoulder to shoulder and no-one should be left behind.

There may surely come a time during training or at war when we need a helping hand. You know the type of it, wet mud draggin' ye down and ur a few points shy of another fight - that's two valuable experience points gone to waste - or you take the extra fight and turn up for work a little worse for wear, displaying a disregard for your employer and makin that raise all the less likely.

So, I propose you find yourself a wingman, better yet foster good relations and benefit from the co-operation of a 'Pack a' Brutes'. Send your fellow-brute a gift, 1 star or 2 stars*, the brute can then add 1/2 wellness points per gift respectively and either fight the noble fight or turn up for work in decent shape.

It's a small consideration but the devil's in the detail.

Incidentally, I'm looking for a wingman myself - and don't forget it's a reciprocal process. You can't use your own gifts, only those you receive, so don't forget to return the favor!**

*Unfortunately it seems we're limited to a maximum of 2 star gifts here, no doubt related to low diamond supply and maybe an under-active gift economy. I'm calling on ministers and power brokers alike to bang some heads on this, bring it up over pints if you must, but this should be streamlined.

Alternatively, one may argue tight wellness management versus a gift scheme, to you I say: one who works hard and plays hard gets a little rough around the edges. Let's take the edge of that hangover and fight the good fight brutes.

Lieutenant H.S Thompson of the 5th Regulars, over & out.

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