Why Plato is a republican

Day 2,472, 11:04 Published in USA USA by 2503830

This whole recent "kill rush" event Plato is spamming our inbox with has will have the same success as the all-too praised trickle down economics.
He can add trillions of bars of gold, as long as they go onyl to the top of those who are already wealthy ( or old enough to have a net advantage in the game ) his player base will not increase as "poor players" are pissed off ( like yours truly ) and the spending for his declining revenue won't go up either as everyone understands how the trick of this game really works.

The term Pay2Win comes to mind here.
in eR this is altered to PayAndBeEarlyAndmaybeCheat2Win. Fortunes are made either buying from the cash shop, stealing a country's treasury ( theft ) or by illegal trading on the black market.

Every new "contest" the bearded man tries to catch our eyes with is a joke.
It is by default rigged against those with low strength ( new players or those who couldn't afford to max and pay for training ) and those with low rank ( again new players.
Worse- by making the rich richer and the gap between them and the poor wider we are creating an in-game class division.

We can already see it in some countries where the "elites" who vote themselves in turn via monolithic MU blocks ( so much for democracy ) control the political system and by it, the financial system.
And in turn by controlling the financial system, they control the political system. ( Does this remind you of a *certain congress* ? It should. )
Already they are disconnected, totally baffled by the reason why people are ditching those countries in DROVES and emigrating to more equal countries. Or at least less populated ones where their opinion as an individual matters more than the money of the rich.

Plato is a republican if we would judge by this dichotomy his political inclination.
A total disdain for democracy, a total love for the rich and their wallets and a ferm believer in the rabid free-market.
"The rich should get richer ( and stronger ) and the poor should get poorer...or in this case, should remain even further behind".

Let the criticism ..commence!