Why Britain is top of the World

Day 769, 04:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The B

No reason or topicality to this, just got a bit patriotic so I wrote this.

Why Britain is Top of the World

Owned the largest empire in history

The longest reigning Queen of all time, Queen Victoria

Home to the three most published authors of all time: William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and Sir Walter Scott

Now to more modern things:

Owns the busiest airport in the worl😛 London Heathrow

Owns the NHS, which will treat any British Citizen free of charge, regardless of cost

Home to the longest underground railway network in the world

Home to the most widely spoken* language in the world

Publishes more books than any other country

Football, the most popular sport in the world, was invented in Britain, which is now home to some of the best teams in the world

Things invented in Britain:

The sandwich
The flush toilet
The loudspeaker
The piggy bank
The lawn mower
The postage stamp
The travel agency
The refrigerator
The stapler
The electric light bulb
The vending machine
The Thermos
The food processor
The hovercraft
Acrylic paint
The CAT scanner
The railway
The bicycle
Sell-by dates
The underground railway
The Jump Jet Harrier
The television
The steam engine
The world wide web

* 'Widely spoken' is in terms of geography.