Who Killed U.N. Owen?

Day 2,659, 14:29 Published in Japan United Kingdom by Topher Fair

The dark castle opened, all alone I start a tea party. Mr. Small Bird in the basket, want to dance with me? There is no thing like resting, clap your hand, there is no thing like ending. Secret carnival.

カゴメよカゴメ お菓子はいかが? 赤色と青色の飴 お菓子の家に出口は無いよ シリアスな声でこう囁く 『鏡よ鏡』

Kagome Kagome, how about sweets? Red colored and blue colored candy. The pastry house has no exit, a serious voice whispers 'mirror mirror'.

世界で誰よりも イタズラ好きなのは誰ですか? 「それはあなたです」 と映る私が笑う キラキラと割れるダレカの笑顔 心に刺さる エゴイズム

More than anyone in the world, who is the one who loves pranks? "That is you", I respond and laugh. When it sparkles it will break someone's smile. Egoism sticks to the heart.

始まりのおしまい あなたが残した プレゼントは何処? 何処 どこ ドコなの? 空っぽのくつした 誰が殺し 誰がなる? 誰が鳴らすか 鐘の音を? 「それは 私よ」 ダレカの声が響く

The end of the beginning, you were left behind, where is the present? Where, where, where? Empty socks. Who is the murder, who is it? Who is ringing the sound of a bell? "That is me", echoed someone's voice.

円卓を囲むのは 可哀想な駒鳥で 優しく抱きしめて 抱え上げ 握り締め 零れだす 愉悦の笑み

I surround the round table, that poor Komadori. I gently hug it, grasping it tight in my arm and bursted into a joyful smile.

中身をくり貫いた カボチャのフェイス マネキンだらけで 踊れやしない! あなたと私 籠の中 あなたも私 ネジが動きを止め 踊る事の無いオートマタ 虚実に苛まれ そして誰もが消える

I hollowed out the content of the pumpkin's face. It's full with mannequins, I will not dance! You and me, inside the basket, you just like me. The screw stopped moving, the non-dancing automaton tortured with true or false. Then everyone disappears.

ヒドイ世界で 私と踊りましょ? 生きてる振りをしたクックロビン お菓子のお城には 壊れた魔女が一人 壁にまでかかる 赤い絨毯 人形遊び ツマラナイ 月夜に輝く ジャックランタン お次のお相手は 誰かしら 「踊りましょう?」

This cruel world, want to dance with me? Pretended to be alive, cock robin. In the castle of sweets, a broken witch until the wall. Suffer from the red carpet. Puppet play, boring. The night sky sparkles jack-o'-lantern. Who will be my next companion, I wonder. "Want to dance with me?".