White House Press Room [pre-publication]

Day 639, 22:18 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer



segment for Sa02Aug2012
Media Revolution Heroes Custer and Civil Anarchy review material before the debate

eNPR’s Bigass POTUS Debate: DMJohnston v. Irule777
Guest Contributor George Armstrong Custer

Thursday night brought the triumphant return of America’s official radio show, eNPR, after many months of hiatus. Former Secretaries of Media and elder statesmen Civil Anarchy and George Armstrong Custer co-hosted an instantly classic edition of Presidential Debate, between incumbent DMJohnston and challenger Irule777.

Following are the questions posed to the candidates during the scheduled one-hour show.

Irule: what about Foreign Policy?
DMJ: what about Domestic Programs?

“What do you think is your greatest weakness as a candidate?”

“Give me one original idea that you’d like to implement.”

“You have a Vice President. Why? and, who and why?”

“If you had to choose between a new player, who had deputy experience, and an experienced politician, for a Secretary position, who would you pick?”

desert island with Cabinet members.. who do you kill and eat first?

“Where do you think Pacifica should aim to expand, reasonably?”

US is undependable, doesn’t work well with smaller countries. True or not?

“Generally speaking, do you prefer a centralized military structure like the USAF, or prefer a decentralized militia structure, like Romania currently uses?”

“How much personal time do you think the President should devote to the job?”

who’s cuter: DMJ’s daughter, or Steven Colbert?

DMJ sings, then does his closer.

at this time, DMJ was excused early to attend to family matters.

A short intermission:
slammin’ Ajay.

Irule’s closer.

Readers are strongly urged to, in addition to reading every article by and about these two candidates, listen to this edition of eNPR On Demand.

While DMJ and Irule seem to be on the same track on most issues, each does bring their own personality and experience to the table. Even as America idles through a period of relative peace and prosperity, our next President and Leadership Team have much to do to continue improving both our domestic and foreign affairs situations.

WHPR Tuesday April 1st Day 2324

yes, April Fools Day... I want all segments to be either parodies of what's really happening, or outright fake stories.


per my usual method, this is Shared with anyone who has the URL, with Edit. do not share this URL beyond this group.

NO explanation of "this is an April Fools edition"-- we play it straight, as if this is all real shit.

[WHPR Day 2324] Gnilraps Abdicates; PoTUS Candidates; New Countries & More!

Dateline: Tuesday, April 1st, 2014 (Day 2324)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR:

: 1: Gnilraps Abdicates; Greeling to Serve Out Term
: 2: PoTUS Candidates and Campaigns
: 3: American Hero: Rylde
: 4: eRep Introduces New Countries
: 5: War Map and Analysis
: 6: Fun Word Search Puzzle
: 7: Famous Quotes

Editors: CoSecMeds Melissa Rose & George Armstrong Custer
Contributors: TellUrGrlThx, blondeninja, Mr. Peabody, Greeling, Abraham Lincoln

Gnilraps Abdicates; Greeling to Serve Out Term
CoSecMed Custer
The Office of the President is passed to Greeling over smokes and coffee at a greasy diner.

In a surprising turn of events, President Gnilraps has submitted to Chief of Staff TellUrGrlThx and the full Cabinet, his meta-game resignation as eUS President. Gnilraps explains, in part, “I’ve been basking in all the glory heaped upon a sitting President for accomplishments such as the 10/100 Bonuses, the total wipe and annexation of Canada, and the national mobilization to thwart the PTO of a Top 5 Party. However, I have been nothing more than a front man for the real brains of this outfit, Vice President Greeling. It is only fitting that he should receive recognition for his genius and skillful leadership, and finish out this term of office as acting-President of your North American States of Greeling.”

Greeling enjoys possibly the broadest support of any US President, with Congress quickly Approving his Proposals for the Declaration of Natural Enemy against the USA in order to Airstrike South Carolina.

President Greeling explains, “While it was great of Valiant Thor to entertain America with his feeble attempt to PTO a Top 5 Party, America must not forget the nearly five years of traitorous activity of one Ajay/RGR. We cannot, in good conscience, stand by and allow an RL election in which he has even a snowball’s chance in hell of winning. The massive crater left at the 1st Congressional District will serve both as a warning to other players to confine their idiocy to the game, and as the nation’s largest landfill.”

To further honor Greeling for his incredible leadership, Congress has voted to reward Greeling with a “hiring bonus” of 400,000 USD.

Additionally, leaders of member states have, in an unprecedented special election, unanimously named Greeling as Supreme General of the Sirius Alliance. MC Wild Owl states, “It’s about time we let the world know about our secret weapon. Greeling will surely lead Sirius to total world domination!”

President Greeling’s 5-Day Plan includes petitioning Congress to increase all taxes to the maximum allowed, and pocket the difference above current income rates. Greeling also intends to remain in power after the upcoming PoTUS election, as “shadow President,” calling the shots and pulling the strings from the comfort of his smoky back room.


PoTUS Candidates and Campaigns
CoSecMed Melissa Rose

With just days to go before the national election of a new President, a few candidates have appeared as frontrunners in the race. The WHPR, in spotlighting these candidates, does not offer endorsement or approval. The final ballot may differ from our current predictions.

. George Armstrong Custer:
Custer’s campaign slogan rings as true today as when first uttered five years ago; “Elect Custer: He has two working brain cells!”

. Necros Xiaoban:
Better known as Glorious Failure, the benefactor of eUS national holiday “GF Day” promises to once again turn eRep on it’s ear and lead another players’ riot. see (1) and (2)

. dracodepyro:
dracodepyro’s Economic Improvement Plan is to end all noob welfare programs and close military communes; “The free ride is over, America-- get a damn job!”

American Hero: Rylde

Today we have a very special American Hero as our second to last Hero of the term. This American Hero is very well known for being such a savior to the disgusting snow lovers in the North, but here in the US his true colors have been known to but a few top officials.
Today’s American Hero is….

Rylde! He’s the current CP of Canada, and has been for months. He has successfully wasted any and all money Canada ever had on battles he full well knew Canada would eventually lose. It is such an honor to announce that this Canadian CP is actually a deep deep undercover spy for the USA, and has done an amazing job at making our occupation that much easier by leaving Canada completely broke. Please message him and thank him for all his work for the USA, because without his help our occupation *might have been* a real challenge.
From the WHPR staff to Canadian CP Rylde, we thank you for being a true American Hero!

eRep Introduces New Countries

eRepublik has thrown the community many a curve ball as far as game mechanics go. Many lament the ‘days of old’, so to speak, and many more gripe over the changes we have seen recently. For better or worse we’ve got even more to announce today with eRepublik’s addition of new territories/countries. Specifically the Caribbean and West Africa.

It’s unclear the intentions of the Admins in adding these regions to the game. The strategic importance of the Caribbean group is thus far theorized to be a tourism resource to bring new players into the country that controls it. This is simply one among many theories concocted in light of these events. Furthermore the West Africa group is a interesting choice by the admins; considering about 13.5% of them even have internet access. However, as many of us have come to expect by now, the intentions of the Admins are forever hidden in a cloud of discombobulation.

As I’m sure none of you have gotten the Plato mail yet, do not fret, it is either undoubtedly delayed, lost, or never sent. In any event I’m able to provide a preview screen of the added region(s):

The West African map has not yet been released; suffice it to say they used Google to get most of it right. Or we can only hope.

More than just adding some new blobs of color to the world map, the repercussions of new regions is highly dependent on their resources and draw of players. eRep has shown an intriguing variety of instances where it follows RL and many others where it doesn’t, maybe AK-47s will be cheaper in West Africa for those Guerrilla fights. Another speculation we were able to gain from the Admins is that a possible ‘warlord’ player rank will be available in certain regions, which would allow for some exciting new governmental structures. With the Caribbean region(s) being far less serious in nature, as far as implications go, they will be adding some interesting mechanics regarding certain recreational activities.

Either way, we'll be seeing some interesting new developments with regards to the flow of players, development of the new regions and the underlying strategic significance as they are released by the Admins. Anyone can guess what their next addition will be, but we can only hope these additions break the trend of so-called “improvements” only making things worse.

War Map & Analysis
Mr. Peabody

As noted above, the USA has executed a precision Air Strike on the 1st Congressional District of South Carolina. Massive casualties have been reported, which President Greeling regards as “incidental” as long as the message is delivered loud and clear: Ajay/RGR is a threat to America, both in game and IRL.

In other news, Secretary of Time Travel Mr. Peabody brings news of an historic victory in an epic battle which took place in the Far East.
As we step into the Wayback Machine, new-ish players are cautioned to hold on tight, as they will be witness to such massive firepower and destruction as has not been seen in eRep in years.
Click on the image to be taken to the battle screen!
if the link fails, thank Plato then copy/paste this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhNyqVufFpI

Click on the image to be taken to the battle screen!
if the link fails, thank Plato then click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhNyqVufFpI[/url

This, America, is what a strong national army can do, as we can expect to see in the coming months as the USAF is transformed into a fully integrated, unified fighting force.

Word Search Puzzle
Click the image for a printable version of this fun Word Search puzzle!

Famous Quotes
Abraham Lincoln

Your CoSecMeds; George Armstrong Custer and Melissa Rose
"My purpose is to make my narrative as truthful as possible."
DepSecMeds: Talostastic and Evil_Elvis
Contributors to this Edition: TellUrGrlThx, blondeninja, Mr. Peabody, Greeling, Abraham Lincoln

WHPR Day 2324
The Most “Must-See” Edition EVER!
