When amateurs create a game

Day 2,466, 12:00 Published in Turkey Philippines by Nuclear tasos maximous

Dear erepublikans

Today Plato gave us some new missions. As you can see you have the ability to pay 9 gold to buy these missions. In this game it can mean only one thing that these missions don’t worth.

The first fail is the endless spam. I had at least 200 friend requests and around 40 alerts from comments and votes. Because of this I missed other important alerts. I think Mr Plato is fan of spam…

2nd He just killed media section of this game. Do you think Mr Plato that by forcing people to write 2 words you actually promote the media in this game? Even this article that I am writing now has no meaning because I am only saying the obvious that you failed.

3rd It is pretty clear that we didn’t expect big rewards after all you need only 9 gold to unlock them. But have did you see the price of the weapons? I can buy Q7 for 7.6 in the market and in black market Q7 for 7.2. Why? Because everyone get 200 weapons for free. Is this your dream of fixing economy? I don’t want to mention the fact that this is the 3rd time that you kill your new industry. You give 4000HRM. You gave free houses last time making people believe that they are stupid for their investment and now you are completing the crime.

I really wonder who the master mind behind all these great missions is. Does he even have account in this game? Does he/she know the rules? I bet that he/she don’t have the slightest idea about this game. But I also believe that this is not a decision of a single person. The entire team is responsible for this stupidity.

I won’t even talk about the 3 day bazooka contest that we will have next week because it is lame by definition. Weapons will be at 5-6 cc because every one will use bazookas.

In the end I can say only one thing you are amateurs by definition.

PS I didn’t write this article for comments don’t make comment just vote