We already have Dignity. Why have we Forgotten it?

Day 2,621, 14:55 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Konrad Neumann

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Lately, we heard a lot about honor and dignity. eNL should have honor and fight for our lands. eNL should have dignity and strive for our liberation. But what is dignity? If you go and google it, you have the above definition. While I am not sure which dictionary google uses, but I do say, the definitions are fair and valid. So, we will dig deeper into the concept of dignity.

Under the first definition of dignity, does not really apply to eNL. For the state is acting in a "stately" level. The purpose of the state is survival. While there are some like Skyjacked who mocks this, if you are to look at history, kings, emperors, princes, and others strive for survival first and other interest like economic benefits, fame and prestige second. eNL behaved and operated no differently. While eNL was not prestigious or lordly, but it followed the stateliness criteria of dignity.

If we look at the second definition, I would say this form of dignity best describes eNL. I have been to many different countries in my eLife. I have met a lot of people. The lower countries like eNL and eBE has a special place in my heart. both eNL and eBE are small and pathetic countries in regards to power, glory, and military prowess. eNL and eBE are small and we are not big players in the eWorld. Both of these countries are not vital strategic importance in the geo-political discourse. However, eNL and eBE are countries with dignity. Players like Maarten, ArcanicMindje, Curlybear, Elynea, Olv007, ThomasRed are a great example. I think he is a great representative of such dignity. These players takes great pride in our communities. They are great representatives of our community and are integral part of our community. We are proud of them as they relay dignity of the first definition as they represent us.

We also take pride in our community itself. Both eBE and eNL has a lot to be proud of. We have accomplished a lot. Both countries faced PTO and destruction. We faced scams and cheats. But in the end, the country still stand. The community continues to survive. When did we forget our accomplish? Why are we not taking pride and respect for our great achievements? We have everything to be proud of. For it is way easier to prosper in a large and powerful country. To exist in a small country is no simple task. Respect yourself. Why have we forgotten this? Are our memories so feeble? Are we so easily distracted?

[Sarcasm]Indeed this is a very honorable and dignified position...[/Sarcasm]
I have too much dignity and self worth to subject myself into a position like that... My ego and gentleman's sausage thanks me... War is not the solution.

War is not the answer. No matter what eNL does, we will never achieve dignity under the 3rd definition. Like I said above, we are not a military country. Also, there is no respect and honor in dying on pointless wars and struggle. While there are many traditions of ethics, I do believe in the ideals of Just War Theory. Probability of success or arms may not be used in a futile cause or in a case where disproportionate measures are required to achieve success. In other words, for any conflicts to be just and honorable, it must have a decent chance of success. Going to war for war sake is not honorable. It is just stupid. Relating to this, it reminds me of Max Weber's Politics as a Vocation. Politics should not waste the countries resources and treasures as it does not belong to the politician but the overall community which the politician represents and serves.

"Neem terug je waardigheid! / Take back your dignity!."

I do agree. We need to "Neem terug je waardigheid! / Take back your dignity!." We need to celebrate ourselves more. We need to remember our history and our successes. For we need to have more self-worth and pride in our society. We have every reason to. If we are to talk about dignity, deals with the within and not without. War does not bring pride and self respect. It should not. Do a good self reflection. Look at our community and be prideful of who we are. Celebrate our constitution, our values and tradition. Celebrate our fairness and progressive liberal democracy. This is more of an assessment of our dignity than any war would ever bring to our community. For are we so insecure and our ego so low that we need to resort to hollow and pointless wars to regain a sense of self respect and pride? If we are to view wars as our only source of dignity, you only cheapen our self worth. It does more damage to our country than any wipe will ever do. If we do not celebrate and have dignity in our beliefs and values, what is the point of even fighting?