War Games Championship Parade

Day 1,280, 17:21 Published in USA USA by Darkskye

Hello readers! Hard to believe it has been over 2 weeks since my last issue. Since then, I have been out of town for several days, pulled my hair for 72 hours while waiting for my computer to be repaired, and organized and officiated the Mobile Infantry's monthly War Games.

♦ Mobile Infantry War Games - May 2011 Championship Ceremony
♦ Freebie Food Frenzy (scroll down to the bottom for the Food Giveaway!)

After SIX grueling days of battle, USMI's Alpha Company has finally emerged victorious to claim it's THIRD CONSECUTIVE WAR GAMES CHAMPIONSHIP. Former Champions (Feb 2011) Bravo Company fought valiantly, and never gave up even up to the very last. But Alpha's dedicated team of fighters attacked relentlessly to ensure a 3-Peat victory.

You can review the war game reports here:
Reports From The Practice Field

Alpha Company could not have made it as the first and only DoP 3-time War Games Champion if it wasn't for their Dream Team. For the past 3 months they have consistently come to lead Alpha not only in points and special attacks, but in getting the rest of the team active and in top shape.

That's why this month, instead of selecting just one MVP, we will announce the Most Valuable Players who have made a major contribution to this month's win.

Skylancer - Team Captain and Alpha Company Commander

npaidi - Team QM

NecromanMMO - Highest scorer for 3 months in a row, and Team motivator

Torman Capek - valuable 4th person go-to guy

Congratulations ALPHA COMPANY!

The Department of Pie hereby presents you with this commemorative Championship Banner to wear with pride:

The Freebie Food Frenzy this week will be a bit more aggressive. Instead of selecting only a few random winning levels, we will give 10x Q3 Food to everyone below level 15! All you need to do is vote for this article and post your in-game level # below! Enjoy!