War Economy: All in Favour....

Day 1,095, 18:44 Published in Ireland Canada by New Faustian Man

This is the first occasion I’ve stood as a candidate for the eIrish congress. Should my candidacy be successful, my tenure will be geared to helping resolve the issues undermining the eIrish economy.

As such, this presentation, which I hope will convince citizens to vote for me, is going to focus on the state of the Irish economy.

Definition of ‘Economics’


1. (used with a singular verb) The science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind;
2. (used with a plural verb) Financial considerations; economically significant aspects;


The eIrish economy, currently hamstrung by high wages and taxes, by overseas investment pulling out because they can’t make a profit in the Irish market, is in freefall.

That’s the uncomfortable truth. Any company operating in eIreland is experiencing their margins squeezed so tight its become impossible to both pay minimum wage at each pay grade whilst also make a profit. And zero profit = the termination of investment in our economy. We’re seeing companies pull out of the eIrish market for precisely this reason. With the resultant outcome that the range of goods (tanks, rifles, food etc.) have markedly decreased in both quality and quantity, with prices fluctuating arbitrarily because the market gives no clue as to the worth of any given commodity.

Comparing the quality, quantity and range of a selection of products available on the Irish market with oversea's markets should help to clarify where we are.

Take Tanks as an axample. As of writing (19th/Nov/2010) the Irish market has a range of 6 products on offer. Compare this with Croatia: 37, Serbia: 47, or the USA: 53. Now there are other markets out their faring poorly: the UK, Germany and Australia for instance. But even so, their production still runs healthily into double figures!

Next consider food.

The Irish market currently stocks 10 items ranging in quality. Australia, another poor performer in Tank production, wreaks up 42 items; the UK presently stocks 72 items; Poland 168; even Sweden, a country roughly commensurate in size to Ireland, stocks 38 items!

Or Houses. Ireland presently has 6 options on the market. Sweden 11. UK 14. Germany 24. Etc etc etc.

Now all this could just be hot air. And the argument could be put forth that the Irish economy IS STILL WORKING because eIreland retains her possessions in the UK and, more notably - if only for the longevity - her US states.

But lets take a look at why eIreland is able to exercise this kind of power, which, judging from the state of her economy, should be a huge drain on her resources. Introducing....


The fact is: Every battle of every war is won by citizens willing to invest in private reserves of GOLD - and its this constant influx which effectively underwrites the eIrish economy.

These PRIVATE RESERVES of gold invested by battle-hardened citizen-warriors allow eIreland to have unprofitable companies, wage levels disproportionate with the mood of the market, plus taxes that further hamstring the economy from turning a profit. And thankful though we all are that eIrish citizens are willing to invest their REAL CASH to safeguard our territories - its an untenable state of affairs that will only end in the complete destruction of the eIrish economy with production, wages, taxes etc having no correlation with each other.

So how do we fix the ailing economy? How do we once more attract foreign investors?

The answer is simple.

Firstly, we can no longer pander to any form of governance motivated by the socioeconomic well-being of its citizens. Citizens will just have to get by on markedly decreased wages for the good of the nation!

The reality of this game is that EVERY economy is a WAR ECONOMY!

Secondly, we can no longer tolerate economic policy which aims to increase the minimum wage and heighten taxes to the detriment of the market - a market which produces 100% of eIrish goods and which is put into jeopardy every time a company pulls out of it because its become unprofitable to trade in Ireland.

Government policy must be determined on the rubric that eIreland - like every eRepublik nation - is permanently on a war footing!

High taxes and high wages will only result in continuing the trend of heavy over-reliance on private reserves of GOLD to finance and underwrite the bottomed-out eIrish economy.

A sensible wage-structure will encourage overseas investment whilst also significantly enlarging the amount, range and quality of goods offered on the eIrish market. Which has the knock-on effect of creating competition in the market-place resulting in cheaper goods for everyone.

If you want to see an end to the chaos gripping the eIrish economy then vote New Faustian Man and the Economic Free Thinkers Party on the 25th of November and we’ll work to fix the problems.

Thanks for taking the time to read.


New Faustian Man