Want to be a black nomad?

Day 454, 23:04 Published in Romania Romania by buru

Strange player this nomad.

First of all, he pretends that he bought gold to open the North Caucasus Region when everybody was thinking that he got all that money from the Russians.

Second of all, he goes and fights to liberate that region and after few hours changes camps going to fight for Norway.

Third of all, not that he only moves and fights for Norway, he becomes the hero of the battle when he has only 5.47 strength.

My questions are, where did he get all that money, why did he go to open that region when there were still 28 days of agreement and why he changed sides?

Three days ago Kir was saying: "I hope with this that there can be peace between our two nations🙂", weal he was wrong

Yesterday, after the war started, the Norwegian president wrote in an article:
"Kir - President of Norway

Edit: The Russians say they have not started this RW, and I believe them, because they have behaved excellent after the agreement.
I guess this is started by someone who want Russia out of the map.

Now I expect that all Russians fight on the Norwegian side, GREEN side.read more"

I wonder, is this the hand of PEACE or just another player that found a bug?

Thank you for reading, voting and sharing your opinion,


UPDATE> http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1241300 he is dead!!!
Dragi prieteni,

Am auzit ceva zvonuri cum ca Ministerele nu au echipa, cum ca nu se face treaba si asa mai departe. E OK sa iesi cu astfel de afirmatii dar nu in necunostinta de cauza. Imi place cum zice crista22, “it is cute, but it’s wrong!”. Prin astfel de acuze nu se ajunge niciunde, lumea devine stresata and so on.
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Noul Ministrul al Apararii este Vlad Sabau. Inca nu promit nimic cu privire la luptele in care Romania va fi implicata dar pot sa va spun ca echipa SMR este una foarte competent si cu idei foarte bune. Vom vedea ce surprise ne asteapta 
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Hoderaz .

Cam atat pentru moment. Sa-i dam bataie!
Cu respect,