Voting For Krems, A How-To

Day 1,020, 12:26 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

Chances are, you've recently logged in to the Glorious World of eRepublik, and have been wondering just how you can play your part on making sure that the United States remains a great nation, and not one that sucks. Well now's your chance!

If you've just logged in, this is the screen you are most likely to view:

Yes, you're right young American! It is Presidential Election day. Now, I'm running on the impression you love America, which means there's really only one option for you when it comes to voting on the candidates.


The rest of the voting process is really quite simple. Above you is the image of the candidate you're going to vote for. Going to vote for. There's really no other options unless you want America to Succumb to Communism from working with so much Russia lately. It's a fact that he built up a resistance to socialism by being born in Britain, so simple science suggests that if we're going to save ourselves from The Communists, Krems is the only answer.

So simply push the giant blue "Vote" button beneath that image. And poof, you've helped save America.

And if you're not convinced by now, allow these stats to woo you:
-Since he's taken office, American income has risen 40%
-Russian territory has decreased 27%
-General faggotry through America is also down by a staggering 69%
-We're almost bad enough to save Ronnie

If this hasn't convinced you then obviously you are a sociopath America hater. That is all.