Vote Remon777 for Country President!

Day 835, 21:08 Published in South Africa Sweden by SoloPlayer777

Good day everyone!

Today we embark on a historical event! This is the first time in a very long time, that no one knows for sure who will be elected President of our beloved country! This is a great turning point in our history, and just shows how democratic we truly are!

That being said, I ask everyone to vote with their hearts. Before voting, read each candidates' platform first, then decide. PLEASE DONT JUST VOTE FOR A CANDIDATE CAUSE SOMEONE TOLD YOU TO!!!! YOU have a voice, and this is where it needs to be heard. Dont let a Party President, or any other person bully you into voting for someone, cause THEY support them. Choose who YOU want to.

Here are the platforms of the candidates:


Thank you
